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Relativity and Thermodynamics as Malignant Tumours by Pentcho Valev
"He opened by explaining how Einstein's theory of relativity is the foundation of every other theory in modern physics and that the assumption that the speed...
June 16th 21 12:31 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 19,760
Neutron Star Collisions and LIGO Fakers by Pentcho Valev
Gamma rays are gravitationally deflected or blocked by cosmic matter. Gravitational waves are not, Einsteinians teach: "Unlike light, gravitational waves...
June 13th 21 06:33 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 4,589
Is It Time to Free Physics from Einstein's Legacy? by Pentcho Valev
"Is it time to free physics from Einstein's legacy?"...
May 24th 21 06:13 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 4,158
Making Money in the Einstein Cult by Pentcho Valev
High priests in the Einstein cult are all skillful money-makers. Champions are Michio Kaku, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Greene, Jim Al-Khalili, Brian Cox....
May 24th 21 05:27 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 3,978
The Science of Albert Einstein and Michio Kaku by Pentcho Valev
Peter Woit: "This is just complete and unadulterated bull****, of exactly the same sort Kaku and a host of others well-credentialed physicists have been...
May 24th 21 01:33 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 3,989
Einstein Explains How He Has Killed Physics by Pentcho Valev
Albert Einstein: "...I introduced the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light, which I borrowed from H. A. Lorentz's theory of the stationary...
May 23rd 21 07:26 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 4,152
Basic Principles of Future, Einstein-Free Physics by Pentcho Valev
Albert Einstein Institute: "In the above paragraphs, we have only considered moving sources. In fact, a closer look at cases where it is the receiver that is...
May 23rd 21 06:55 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 4,118
LIGO's Gravitational Wave Fraud: More Than Obvious by Pentcho Valev
Gamma rays are gravitationally deflected or blocked by cosmic matter. Gravitational waves are not, Einsteinians teach: "Unlike light, gravitational waves...
May 16th 21 07:17 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 4,113
The Root of All the Evil in Modern Physics by Pentcho Valev
The root of all the evil in physics is Einstein's constant-speed-of-light nonsense. Physicists know that, start telling the truth sometimes, but then stop...
May 15th 21 06:44 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 3,851
Why Einstein Wrestled with His Conscience by Pentcho Valev
"...and he showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels."...
May 15th 21 01:31 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
0 3,728
Cecilia Payne-Gaposhkin in the news by Michael Dworetsky
Two giant tunnelling machines are starting work on a 10-mile tunnel under the Chiltern Hills in England for the new High-Speed 2 rail line from London to...
May 14th 21 10:39 AM
by Michael Dworetsky Go to last post
0 3,816
Nonsensical Concepts in Einstein's Physics by Pentcho Valev
John Stachel: "But this seems to be nonsense. How can it happen that the speed of light relative to an observer cannot be increased or decreased if that...
May 14th 21 01:49 AM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 3,733
Gravity by Elassoto
Gravity is strange. We are constantly being accelerated outward from the Earth at 1G (of course). This means that we are being constantly being sucked into a...
May 11th 21 04:43 PM
by Elassoto Go to last post
2 4,299
Perihelion advance of the earth/moon system (the reality) by [email protected]
Perihelion advance of the earth/moon system (the reality) --- I would normally offer a web based option, but my ability to access my web pages and internet...
April 25th 21 04:48 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 3,946
Basic Principles of Einstein-Free Physics by Pentcho Valev
Doppler effect (stationary light source, moving observer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg7O4rtlwEE Two obvious facts in the above scenario: (A) The...
April 23rd 21 11:31 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 3,980
Perihelion advance of the moon by [email protected]
My proposal that perihelion advance rates are proportional to m/M*180, gforce(m)/gforce(M)*180, orbitrad(M)/orbitrad(m)*180 (relative to the barycenter),...
April 21st 21 11:00 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
2 3,852
Nouveau-Newtonians in the Einstein Cult by Pentcho Valev
Joao Magueijo, Niayesh Afshordi, Stephon Alexander: "So we have broken fundamentally this Lorentz invariance which equates space and time It is the other...
April 20th 21 02:43 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 3,779
Einstein's Death Anniversary and Silent Einsteinians by Pentcho Valev
Nowadays Einstein's anniversaries are surrounded by almost complete silence, and so is the case today, Apr 18, 2021. The reason is simple. Only an idiot would...
April 19th 21 02:54 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
2 3,749
How Einstein, Feynman and Hawking Brainwashed the World by Pentcho Valev
The speed of light is OBVIOUSLY VARIABLE so extraordinary brainwashing is needed to convince the world that it is constant. If the world can be misled into...
April 18th 21 05:55 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 3,617
Hawking Hawking and Derationalizing Einstein by Pentcho Valev
Peter Woit: "There’s a very good new book about Stephen Hawking that just came out, Charles Seife’s Hawking Hawking. Some detailed reviews can be found at...
April 18th 21 01:09 PM
by Pentcho Valev Go to last post
1 3,690
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