Full Moon Gets Blame For Many Catastrophes by
Wall Street Journal
December 24, 2004
Full Moon Gets Blame For Many Catastrophes
But Is It Truly at Fault?
This coming weekend will be no...
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Google's *DRACONIAN* censorship! by
Eric wrote:
Morituri-|-Max wrote:
Nomen Nescio wrote:
What does that mean anyway?
The fundamentalist thing.
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wonderful gift idea by
Need a unique gift idea for that picky guy or gal who's impossible to
shop for? Why not a Dead Leprechaun?!?
Underground comedian and all-around malcontent...
December 23rd 04 11:37 PM
by Birchy
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solar system alignment by
Peter Pucill
I have some difficulty in believing that the imagining of an arc is
the explanation of what I see. Have you observed this phenomenon
yourself ?
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December 23rd 04 08:14 AM
by Bondo
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New Nearby Star Discovered by
Aidan Karley
In article , Magnificent Universe wrote:
The full story, including an animated image of the newfound star, is at
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solar system alignment by
Peter Pucill
When I see the moon in the daytime, I presume that I am looking at the
part of the spherical surface that is illuminated by the sun.
Therefore I expect to see...
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December 23rd 04 12:40 AM
by I C U
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solar system alignment by
Peter Pucill
Thanks for reply. It is good to know you have also noticed this. I
am in UK, West of London. Are you in USA or Europe ?
This is pretty basic. I am...
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Normal/abnomarl stars by
[email protected]
I can't find a definition of normal star. It seems like something
so that nobody bothers to define it in any paper, but ... well, one has
to learn...
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