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June 24th 04 02:06 AM
by Ron
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Evolutionists' Belief in the IMPOSSIBLE by
Ed Conrad
Bet you didn't know know that the human eye has 40,000,000
nerve endings, that the focusing muscles move an estimated
100,000 times a day, and that the...
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609 |
June 23rd 04 07:56 PM
by Ron
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614 |
Meteor shower tonight... by
Greg P.
I've heard on the local news a couple times today that after midnight
the meteor shower should be viewable here outside of chicago.
Unfortunately, they haven't...
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1,879 |
PSEUDOSCIENCE -- Almost Down for the Count by
Ed Conrad
To all the Doubting Thomases out there, here are a series
of photographs -- taken yesterday (June 21, 2004) -- showing
a huge piece of slate removed from...
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endless universe? by
Is the universe infinitely large. If the universe were finite in
size, what would be the barrier?
( 1 2 3)
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1,814 |
sci.astro.research by
Martin Hardcastle
Please consider sending your postings on topics in astronomy and
astrophysics to sci.astro.research!
sci.astro.research is a moderated newsgroup for the...
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1,068 |
Phoebe looks back by
Kent Paul Dolan
Here, if anyone can use this grotesque URL, is what
your tax dollar is buying these days in...
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QM and electron orbits by
Andrew Usher
This message is a continuation of the discussion in the thread
'Neutrino mass'.
I admit to not being formally educated in QM. I am nevertheless trying
( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
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logical math by
In this post I will use the ^ to represent raised to whatever power follows it.
Logically one can not say that 10^0 is equal to zero, 10^1 is equal to one...
June 21st 04 01:35 PM
by Tim923
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762 |
complex time revisited by
David Dalton
Here is a note I just sent to sci.physics.research as a followup
in the thread "arrow of time" and if it passes moderation it
should be on there within a few...
( 1 2)
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724 |
constellation question by
I assumed that stars in a constellation weren't actually close to each
other in space, that they only appeared close in our 2D viewing of
them, but I have a...
June 21st 04 03:26 AM
by Laura
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June 20th 04 09:17 PM
by rick++
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