Zip Lock Pouch by
Shakoflex Pack
Shako Flexipack Pvt. Ltd. is a diversified & vertically integrated
manufacturer of Flexible Packaging Products, Induction Heat Seal
Liners / Wads & Stock Stand...
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Exoplanet KELT-3b in Leo by
Anthony Ayiomamitis[_1_]
Dear group,
The announcement of the exoplanet KELT-3b in Leo is literally the latest announcement involving a new exoplanet find, for it was announced in...
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Tides at perihelion and aphelion by
As the Earth turns to the central Sun as a component of its orbital
behavior,the greatest acceleration and deceleration occur around the
time the Earth is...
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872 |
The new story by
"The Earth's rotation is slowing but at a much slower rate than 1 leap
second every so many years. The length of time it takes the Earth, at
the present time,...
( 1 2)
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828 |
Asteroid DA14 redux by
Lord Androcles, Zeroth Earl of Medway[_8_]
Part 2 of the video is Earth-centred and shows DA14 is in orbit about the
Earth with apogee near the orbit of...
( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
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2,361 |
Space Weather News for March 9, 2013 by
Sam Wormley[_2_]
Space Weather News for March 9, 2013
BRIGHT COMET: This weekend, bright Comet Pan-STARRS is making a close
approach to the...
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Exoplanet HAT-P-22b in UMa by
Anthony Ayiomamitis[_1_]
Dear group,
Finally an opportunity this past Monday for some work following a three-month hiatus due to bad weather. I used the opportunity to pursue the...
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869 |
Radio Meteor Obs. Bull. February 2013 by
Chris Steyaert
Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin No. 235 of February 2013 (72 K) is available
now as
More information and the...
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986 |
Creativity and empiricism by
Throughout nature there is a balance between order and disorder so
from this perspective it is always easier to research natural
phenomena as opposed to the...
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