earthquake, seasons and day by
Ian Beardsley
The earthquake was a horrific tradgedy, we all know that. Has anyone
about what its effects might be on climate since the tilt of the earth
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Quadrantids and Machholz by
Glenn Holliday
The clouds came and went during a New Year's Eve party, and it was
plenty warm enough to check what was visible every hour or so.
Without doing a rigorous...
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January 1st 05 07:29 AM
by JC
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January 1st 05 04:49 AM
by CLT
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Cartes du Ciel - asteroid problem by
Mike Boschat
I just downloaded the orbital elements for the comets and
asteroids. Then I noticed on the asteroids it had this:
Warning! Orbital elements are 1 year...
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Comet Machholtz, unusal? by
Mike Boschat
Dec.30/31, 2004 - 2345 UT. 12cm, f/8.3, 100cm fl refractor
at 40x and 67x. Observed from balcony in Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Yep, there was light...
January 1st 05 12:57 AM
by RichA
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Atlas mount vs. Vixen mount by
Mike Jones
I need a medium-load tracking mount, but pockets not deep enough just
yet for a Titan or Paramount. Orion's Atlas mount looks OK but the dec
weight shaft...
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How to Help the Tsunami Victims by
Gareth Slee
I've setup a website with the aim of raising £100 for the victims of the
tsunami in SE Asia.
Please try to help in any way you...
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2 comets in one shot tonight ? by
Anthony Stokes
Anyone with a large aperture scope viewing comet Machholz tonight 01/01/2005
My computer program is telling me Comet Machholz ( 0.35AU distant) and...
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December 31st 04 07:44 PM
by Marty
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Website update by
I've updated my website with some pictures of sunsets
http://images.ciel.free.fr/Eversion/Sunset.html#set2 and a page about
the way I build a lunar...
December 31st 04 03:39 PM
by Norbert
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ISS Silhouette by
Tom Randy
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 16:40:20 +0000, SaberScorpX wrote:
In the south of France on Dec. 29th, in the middle of the night, Simian Etienne
took this picture...
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Machholz before moonrise by
Maurice Gavin
Comet Machholz seen and recorded in SE an hour before moonrise with
image posted at
Gone hazy now under moonlight...
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December 31st 04 11:00 AM
by md
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December 31st 04 07:25 AM
by Pelidio
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Question about illuminated reticles by
Todd Lewis
I'm missing something fundamental here, and I'm hoping one of you can please
help me to figure this one out.
I have an Antares 8x50 RACI finderscope, which...
December 31st 04 06:20 AM
by WayneH
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