January 22nd 07 10:52 PM
by L.A.T.
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January 22nd 07 07:26 AM
by Tom
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Near Miss but still hit by
I spent most of yesterday getting ready to head up to the Star corner, but I
noticed a cold wind starting up about 3pm. So I watched it and check the
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January 22nd 07 03:39 AM
by Jeff R.
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The "Crab"... after so many clouds by
Dear All,
I have been trying to grab a HaRGB image for this nebula recently and,
after the Ha image was secured, I had to wait for few weeks to get the...
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Advice on eye pieces by
Steve & Lizzie
Dear All
I have a Skywatcher 130P (650 focal length) which came with 10mm and 25mm
eye pieces.
I bought a X3 Barlow to compliment these I and get reasonable...
( 1 2)
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January 21st 07 05:42 PM
by Will_S
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N.E.A.T. image files by
Anthony Ayiomamitis
Dear Group,
I was wondering if anyone knows whether the NEAT (Near-Earth Asteroid
Tracking) program image files are available online for public...
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NexStar SLT and satellite tracking by
I have a nexStar SLT mount, like new, but I can't find any info, if this
small Alt/Az goto mount can track satellite?
If it has the accuracy or what software...
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Moon and Venus this evening by
Handheld photo of the moon and Venus from Palm Springs this evening...
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Comparsion: Comet McNaught and Comet West by
Very interesting how the extended tails of both these comets seem to
be broken into "rays".
Both comets reached peak magnitudes of around -3, visible in...
January 21st 07 03:48 AM
by Shawn
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SkyScout by
Seems like an extraordinary device for the money!
Must use GPS for location and altitude, magnetic compass, and gravity
Wonder how rotation of...
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Comet McNaught from Colorado, January 19 by
Chris L Peterson
Well, part of it anyway g. Visually, the tail components, surrounded
by zodiacal light, looked like a colorless aurora. Very good
transparency, zodiacal...
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