Lasers To Signal Airspace Breaches by
So the cat is out of the bag.
"The U.S. military will begin using an...
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Liberals *HATE* Children! by
We sure do. They're noisy germ-carriers.
All hail Georgito Busholini, our beloved El Douche`, and his brave
Oilshirts----Today Iraq, Tomorrow Ethiopia,...
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Welcome to a new "Telescopes" group. by
Dear friends you are welcome to a new "Telescope" group. No annoying
adverticements (like in Yahoo groups) here.
April 17th 05 06:12 AM
by RichA
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Optical Planetarium for the home by
Les Blalock
Every so often someone asks about home planetarium projectors and I
just happened across this product on gizmodo.com
Supposed to sell...
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2" r&p and Caryford focusers by
David Randell
Hi everybody,
I was wondering if anyone has used the 2" r&p focuser sold by OVL,
or the one...
April 17th 05 03:21 AM
by Doink
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Mirror manufacturing by
Thomas Womack
Half-way through the long version of the preliminary design report for
the Euro50 fifty-metre telescope, it's mentioned that a company
"Zecko" spun off from...
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Passing od Bob Sandy by
Sam Wormley
To my astronomy student of the last eight years:
Within the last week, I shared with you images of Jupiter and Saturn
taken by Bob Sandy. I have forwarded...
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Help Picking an Off-Axis Guider, Please! by
laura halliday
Tom wrote:
I just thought the off-axis guider might
be the best option. Any suggestions would
be welcome, including scope types, mounts,
piggy back...
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The moon on the earth by
Miss Moon, good day to you. Welcome to you!
If you want to see the moon on the earth, take a look on...
April 16th 05 11:14 AM
by T
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12" Meade RCX400 by
Dave Mitsky
I saw one of Meade's new telescope offerings, the aplanatic
Schmidt-Cassegrain that the company chooses to call an advanced
Ritchey-Chretien Cassegrain, at...
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Setting S&T Almanac? by
Dennis Allen
Hi. Does anyone know of a way to pass along a user's latitude/longitude
to the Sky & Telescope web site? For it's almanac? I believe the S&T
site is browser...
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Omega Centauri from Savannah, GA 20050410 by
I copied and pasted this from my website which also has pictures and a
longer version of my obs report from the...
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Help with an LPI on a Celestron! by
Sox-n-Eagles Fan wrote:
Hi I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to use the Meade
and control software (Autostar Suite) to work with my...
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April 15th 05 11:18 PM
by halfro
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Uranus pronounciation update by
John Shuttlebower
First of all, thanks to all who responded to my previous thread concerning
how to properly pronounce "Uranus". Yesterday, I gave my oral presentation
on the...
April 15th 05 08:20 PM
by CLT
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I search by
John Blade
I am trying a web site with the formulas for the calculation of the
positions and the orbits of planets, comets etc...
Thank you.
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martian seismometers? by
Do the little martian robot explorers have seismometers on board?
are there any seismometers on any other body except earth
I have an idea....
(well a few...
( 1 2)
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Online Shared Observation Logs??? by
Marc Miles
Is there any service online that allows for very easy to create observation
logs? Sort of like a astronomy blog of logs?
I googled, but all I find are...
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