Outdoor Wallclock Recommedation by
I was wondering if anyone could tell me a good place to get a clock I
can mount on my wall that can be seen at night. It would be protected
by the awning over...
August 16th 06 12:29 AM
by SamR
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Help on satellite ID over UK by
Last night, 24/7/06 2205hrs GMT+1, spotted satellite heading south to north.
It flared and was VERY bright but suddenly reduced brightness to nothing
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J-Track 3-D by
Hello - I've been using J-Track 3-D for years to track the ISS and the
Shuttle. Now I find they are no longer included in this great
program. Can anyone...
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Space Shuttle will NOT leave THE ATMOSPHERE by
Mark Peeters
On the site http://www.ksctickets.com/ltt.html you can see that they
only claim a 'launch INTO THE ATMOSPHERE'....
After 8 minutes the engine will stop and...
July 4th 06 10:20 PM
by george
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shuttle carrying Brazilian by
Frederico Paiva Quintao
Dear all,
I'm new in the group and have a question:
anyone could observe the shuttle that carried the brazilian astronaut M.
Pontes? Do u know where I could...
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New Satellite Equipment! 7fe by
Free Movies Forever!!!!!!
Amazing New Technology has finally arrived…..the NEW XP2500A+ HDTV Digital Satellite TV Descrambler Receiver will “amaze-you”. Our NEW XP2500A+ HDTV Digital...
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Soyuz TMA-8 tle by
Anyone know where I can get the TLE for the recent launch?
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Ed Cannon about Globalstar Number Changes by
Bill Arnold
Please contat me off list about the Globalstar number changes, I need
your e-mail to ask you a question off-list, but do not have a good address
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Globalstar Name Changes by
Bill Arnold
Greeting to the group,
Would anyone in the group have a good explination of the name changes
that the Globalstar satellites have undergone? I have tried to...
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Tracking software, Mac by
Anyone who can recommend a good satellite tracking program that works
on Mac OSX Tiger?
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