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53301 1950's Retro Nostalgia 53301 by
50's Retro
The Webs Retro Planet
The most 1950's original & Reproduction 50's memorabilia and
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1,452 |
Math of a SunFlower by
* the logitude and latitude of your position
* time
How to calculate the azimuth and elevation of the Sun position ?
NOTE that it is possible to...
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1,192 |
Sky at Night in Chile by
Martin Frey
In the belief that carrot works better than stick, I sent this to
sn dot feedback at bbc dot co dot uk
Sky at Night - on BBC4 with visit to ESO...
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November 27th 04 10:07 AM
by Painius
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transportation revolution at hand by
Raheman Velji
| --------------| A COLLECTION OF IDEAS | by Raheman Velji...
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917 |
Need a Streaming Solution? by
Quick & Easy
META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft DHTML Editing Control"
PNeed a Video & Audio Streaming...
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862 |
Sky at Night by
Martin Frey
I shall be shot down - but I thought Patrick was on better form than
for some time and did a really good show. Mind you, if it ever got
cloudy in Selsey, half...
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1,009 |
How fast is Earth moving? by
Hello, all. I have a question.
How fast is Earth moving relative to the sun?
Does the speed change regularly? If so, in what...
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1,084 |
Solar Direction? by
Basharat Janjua
I wanted to know if there are any algorithms which would allow one to
find the direction of a given place on the earth relative to one's own
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Sunspot activity Oct/Nov 2004 by
Wally Anglesea
I've just done todays processing and uploaded the images.
I did one image from yesterday (31 Oct 2004) with Registax, on group 693,
and the image is quite...
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Sunspot groups on 31 Oct 2004 by
Wally Anglesea
Now that daylight saving is in, I took the opportunity to do these images:
Sunspot groups 687, 691, and...
October 31st 04 05:05 AM
by hobby
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*3 DAYS* AND Counting ! . . by
If there were any doubts about the decades-old collusion between
the Bush and bin Laden families, Osama's most recent video should
put those doubts to...
October 30th 04 03:59 AM
by Michael
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*TEN* Days & Counting! . . by
Pathetic anonymous remailing troll.
If you hate Danny Min, vote KERRY/EDWARDS on November 2nd,
and tell your friends to do likewise.
October 28th 04 08:33 AM
by EvolBob
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