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948 |
Celestron Sky Scout by
Alan Briker
Wondering if anyone has heard about the Celestron Sky Scout, an intriguing
new gadget. Does it really do what it claims? Is it available yet?
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1,006 |
Dear Paul, July 12, 2006, updated, July 13, 2006 by
Dear Paul,
8:05 PM, Pick 'N Save, Lic. #507 GSL, Kennedy Nazi, White Ford
July 13th 06 06:59 PM
by Laura
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Is EMP a Lib fallacy? by
EMP attack danger overstated?
Dear editor,
Timothy Birdnow's article "EMP and the Unfought Victory is pure
July 6th 06 01:30 AM
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1,325 |
Coronado PST homepage update by
Hi - it may be of some interest - I've updated my brief review of both PST Ha + CaK with link to CN discussion on latter re 'fluorescent' eyepieces at...
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715 |
June 8th 06 11:08 AM
by Daniel
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670 |
new astronomy site by
We are glad to introduce our internet web site
http://www.paoloecristina-hires.it . This site pic up
all the images we
acquire or process together.
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870 |
25 MAY 2006=2 IMPACT by
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3-BD
1 IMPACT - No B time 9:00 UT
Place of impact on west from Ireland
2 IMPACT- No G Time 13:20 UT
May 15th 06 12:20 PM
by Opix
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May 8th 06 06:23 PM
by Spike
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613 |
Nice Solar Prominences Today (PST Image) by
Anthony Stokes
"David Cash" wrote in message
Hi to the group,
I thought I'd post an image taken this morning (Saturday May 6th) of some
nice solar prominences. The...
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918 |
M Class Flares, Comet 73p and Earth... ? by
The Mirror
Here's a snipit...
A low intensity M-Class flare fired off earlier today from sunspot 875.
This comes as no surprise as it was expected after viewing the...
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836 |
large aluminum discs? by
I found this company that has large aluminum discs for sale-
They have different diameters and...
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638 |
Azimuth-Altitude-Time table by
George Shepherd
Would anyone know where someone might be able to obtain a table giving the
following data :
For specified longitude and latitude coordinates, and a...
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