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Old November 13th 18, 03:04 PM posted to sci.astro.amateur
Gerald Kelleher
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,551
Default Exoplanet Beta Pictoris b

There is an adjustment to make when viewing the closed loop of this exoplanet in contrast to the circuits of Venus and Mercury.

The Earth's orbital motion causes a line-of-sight transition of the stars from left to right of the Sun whereas this will be absent when viewing exoplanet motion.

The Earth's orbital motion is inclusive of the motions of Venus and Mercury around the central Sun so that their observed motions are not reckoned against a stationary stellar background as the illusory loops of the slower moving planets are. To keep the Sun central the background stars have to transition too in order to keep the Sun as the focal point for the Earth's motions and those of the faster planets closer to the Sun.

In short when Venus and Mercury are furthest from us in terms of orbital distances, they are lost behind the Sun just as that exoplanet is.

I celebrate the achievement of the ESO astronomers and so should everyone else once the importance of the imaging makes it into mainstream narratives.