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Old May 19th 20, 06:57 PM posted to sci.astro
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Posts: 24
Default One proper time event inside OJ287 black hole

I have found analytic solution for proper time dependence of particle motion inside supermassive central back hole of OJ287 binary black hole system. I try descibe this proper time event: 1. particle goes inside Schwarzhild radius 54.18829002*10^9 km of black hole. 2. Proper time event: r=5.43*10^9 km to r=2.70*10^9 km particle moves in proper time. If we take proper time=0 when r=5.43*10^9 km it moves to 560891.1323 years PAST. When r=2.70*10^9 km particle moves instantneously to proper time=0,from which it continues moving instantaneously in proper time to FUTRE proper time 52920..23677 years. When particle moves from r=2.70*10^9 km to r=8.0*10^9 km, proper time decreases again to proper time=0.This ends this proper time event. I tried to describe it from plotting of analytic solution. I used Weinberg book 1972 definitions. Does this make any sense? Best Regards, Hannu Poropudas, Finland.