unusual pebble shape
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February 7th 04, 01:55 PM
Nils O. Selåsdal
external usenet poster
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The Little Critter at Meridiani
In article 2004020507303924084%zobeid@techiecom, Tony Belding wrote:
On 2004-02-02 23:57:38 -0600,
(Paul Morris) said:
there is visible a pebble or small stone that has a
very unusual shape: it appears to have two "stalks"
that protrude upwards (rather like the stalks
or antennae of a snail).
I noticed that too, yesterday. It is visible more clearly in the
full-resolution TIFF image available from this page:
I don't see how that could be a rock, it really doesn't look like one at
all. I expect it's either some piece of debris that came off the
spacecraft, or else it could be what it looks like: a little critter
wandering across the sand, waving its antennae at us.
Ofcourse... Then again similar stones I've seen here were
actually stones.
Nils O. Selåsdal