"william mook" wrote in message
"Theodore W. Hall" wrote in message
william mook wrote:
Clearly you are attempting to fool us into believing that Kennedy's
argument behind the scenes with NASA and others positining himself
to lower the high price of the supplemental budget should wrongly
tell us something about his lack of larger commitment to space.
Fool you how?
By quoting statements out of context in an effort to have us believe
that statements made during a negotiation are to be read as JFKs
ultimate intent.
I'm merely quoting the transcript.
Yes, out of context. These statements were made at a meeting
following the receipt by the President of a supplemental budget to
achieve his goals in space. This budget was far more than he
expected, given his earlier briefings by vonBraun and others. This
meeting was to get a handle on prices - so he positioned himself in a
strong negotiating position. You are hoping folks will read these
statements out of context and believe something totally opposite of
what JFK actually felt.
Bill, you continually amaze me, y'know?
Terrell's annual PSA: don't give this schmuck any of your money, you'll
never see it again...
Terrell Miller
People do not over-react. They react, by definition, appropriately to the
meaning a situation has for them. People have "over-meanings," not
- Martin L. Kutscher