On Oct 14, 7:22 am, wrote:
VIDEO: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon: The $100 billion
moon landing fraud.
Fearing only the lethal wrath of those Semitic MIBs (aka pretend
atheists goons, spooks, moles and rusemasters), you and I can safely
bet our bottom dollar that it's all about the mainstream status quo
protecting yet another Zionist perpetrated SCAM (and then some), at
the very least as best applied as damage-control upon anything
pertaining to our NASA/Apollo moon landing hoax, whereas protecting
their ultimate ruse is about as cold-war sting worthy as it ever gets.
In addition to those various links of our Apollo moon landing hoax or
ruse/sting of the century, along with whatever strings and all sorts
of applied hocus-pocus smoke and mirrors, once again here's something
new that's as equally extra weird, as to pondering why all the unusual
lack of topic interest, or rather perhaps why the ongoing official
usenet banishment of anything pertaining to the JAXA SELENE/KAGUYA
Perhaps JAXA's SELENE/KAGUYA via H-2A/H-IIA is also having to become
yet another hoax, especially since it's getting so much harder to hide
those truths about our moon, as well as about the amounts of fly-by-
rocket energy it takes per given payload tonne and of the extended
amount of required travel time that such new and vastly improved
missions actually require.
Japan lunar probe reaches orbit
For some silly odd reason there's been nothing of any good (meaning
informative or otherwise deductive) usenet chat about this nifty JAXA
moon mission. It's as though being all super hush-hush or taboo/
nondisclosure rated. Wonder why?
"The KAGUYA mission targets are the global characterization of lunar
surface and detailed gravimetry."
Sounds perfectly nifty and worth every bit of whatever that mission of
remote obtained science can contribute about our physically dark,
somewhat salty and otherwise unavoidably naked/anticathode worthy
mascon of gamma and X-ray saturated environment, especially as for
eventually offering those detailed reviews per each of our NASA/Apollo
hard landings or impact sites.
Perhaps this time around those new and greatly improved CCD obtained
images will honestly utilize their full dynamic range, and thus
unavoidably provide a few good FOVs that'll have to include the rather
nifty vibrance and unusual natural raw colour spectrum of Venus above
the moon's physically dark horizon, possibly even eventually sharing a
few shots that'll include Earth and Venus within the very same Field
Of View that'll still include something of the moon's natural deep
colours and contrast of those rather unusual mineral deposits.
BTW, only taking 3 weeks instead of 3 days to get JAXA's SELENE into
its outer-most lunar orbit. (go figure)
H2A2022 / 285,000 kg (2 stage + SRBs) / total payload mass was 3020 kg
Main Orbiter
Mass: 2914 kg
Size: 2.1 x 2.1 x 4.8 m
Attitude control: Three-axis stabilized
Power: 3.5 kW (Max.)
Mission period: 1 year
Mission Orbit: Circular orbit,
Altitude 100 km
Inclination 90 degree
Their total payload mass was later reported as 3020 kg + 1400 kg
107:1 ratio of rocket/payload (323.42/3.02 tonnes)
H2A2022 323.42 tonnes w/fairing and payload, requires those extra 2
SRBs + 2 Solid strap-on Boosters (SSBs)
With an inert mass of merely 42.62 tonnes, or 13.18% (as opposed to
our NASA/Apollo fiasco of having to start off hauling nearly a 30%
worth of inert mass, with merely a 60:1 rocket/payload ratio) is what
seems more than a tad bit odd, if not entirely hocus-pocus worthy.
As for the SELENE mission's orbital delivery process only taking an
energy efficient 3 weeks (instead of NASA/Apollo's swift 3 days with
fuel and payload to spare) in order to get JAXA's 3 tonne mission into
lunar orbit (actually it's taking yet another two weeks for getting
into the desired 100 km polar orbit), as such seems to be entirely
believable as based upon those regular laws of fly-by-rocket physics
that our NASA/Apollo wizards apparently never have to worry about,
just like their not haviong to worry about the gamma and X-ray
saturated surface environment that was also highly electrostatic and
Shouldn't we bother to ask if there's a little something about our
Third Reich semitic fortified NASA/Apollo hocus-pocus worth of
conditional fly-by-rocket physics, that which we do not yet honestly
know about? (apparently so)
- Brad Guth -