July 16th 03, 03:14 AM
Uncle Al - Fresh Meat
"Maxie P. Diddy" wrote in message
"Brettg" wrote in message
Just have a look at what our esteemed educational institutions are
out in
the name of "science" these days.
I can't say the quality of such work is surprising though.
From the article (url below)
* Dr Rollan McCleary reportedly found clues to
Jesus' sexuality in his astrological chart (Uranus
dominated), and was given Australian Postgraduate
Award funding of $51,000 for his trouble.
* Laini Burton, whose thesis was about the desirability,
and otherwise, of the blonde through history. For
enriching the world's understanding of this crucial
topic she was awarded a grant of $17,000 a year
for three years.
* Dr Nikki Sullivan, who did her PhD on tattoos: "Writings
in flesh: subjectivity, textuality, ethics and pleasure."
* Adele Morey used her PhD in Cultural Studies to
research the Hollywood divorce of Nicole Kidman
and Tom Cruise. For research, Morey read The
Australian Women's Weekly, Woman's Day, New
Idea, NW and Who Weekly, among other publications.
* Angelo Iannella's PhD was the "neo-spiritualism" of
Wonder Woman and Xena, Warrior Princess.
* Anthropology student Alex Leonard studied the surf
culture of Bali. It's a tough job, but someone has to
do it.
* Paul Scott produced a PhD on surfing magazines.
* Jackie Cook's PhD is on Australian talk radio with
a "special focus on Stan Zemanek and the late-night
sex counselling of Dr Feelgood".
Read the article for the full list.
I don't know whether to barf or cry;
Reminds me of the cheap shots that a mid-western senator once made a career
of, quoting titles of grants to scientists. Words out of context.