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Old February 16th 04, 02:29 AM
external usenet poster
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Default "Martian Bunnies" covered by NY Times

In section 4, p.12 ("Arts & Ideas"), there's a small writeup
about the 'dust bunnies' this group was "discussing" last
week. If I had a scanner, I'd post the article. Includes
the closeup shot from the rover and various pics of what it
might be, from the elusive 'Ghost Crab' to 'Skeletal Claw' to
'Bob Hope', to a cute bunny rabbit. Unfortunately, the Times
didn't put this article on it's online pages. The Times did
get an answer from NASA scientist, who said it was "softgood",
a "piece of cotton insulation or a piece of airbag".
Article also includes inset of an actual 1911 Times article,
titled "Martians Build Two Immense Canals In Two Years".