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![]() This is an alphabetic lineup of somewhat "famous" people who have professed they are 'atheist' or 'godless' or "lacking theistic belief." A few, however, are simply obnoxious, know-it-all assholes. http://www.sacredspace.ie/images/lat...s_computer.jpg A Forrest J. Ackerman Douglas Adams Phillip Adams Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Brandy Alexandre Ayaan Hirsi Ali Tariq Ali Woody Allen Shulamit Aloni Thomas J. Altizer Natalie Angier Lance Armstrong Liv Arnesen Madison Arnold Darren Aronofsky Isaac Asimov Peter William Atkins B Kevin Bacon Julian Baggini Russell Baker J.G. Ballard Iain M. Banks Clive Barker Dan Barker MC Paul Barman Dave Barry Richard Bartle Bill Bass Glenn Beck Steve Benson Ingmar Bergman Pierre Berton Matt Besser Paul Bettany Björk Susan Blackmore Bill Blass Jim Bohanan Sir Herman Bondi Pierre Boulez T. Coraghessan Boyle Nathaniel Branden Marlon Brando Richard Branson Berkeley Breathed Julia Hartley Brewer Marcus Brigstocke Isaac Brock Rodney Brooks Andrew Brown Derren Brown Peter Buck Georgeie W. Bush Gabriel Byrne John Byrne C Dean Cameron Mike Carey George Carlin John Carmack Adam Carolla John Carpenter Asia Carrera Fidel Castro Stephen Chapman Dov Charney Vic Chesnutt Noam Chomsky Mohammed Choukri Robin Christopher Chumbawamba Alexander Cockburn Billy Connolly John Conway Ann "Dochebag" Coulter http://www.success.co.il/knowledge/i...ine-Chapel.jpg Alex Cox Wayne Coyne Francis Crick David Cronenberg David Cross Alan Cumming Justin Currie D Ron Dakron Rodney Dangerfield Julia Darling Russell T Davies Mark Jonathan Davis William B. Davis Richard Dawkins Jeff Dee Daniel Dennett David Deutsch Ani DiFranco Micky Dolenz Amanda Donohoe Phil Donahue Natalie Dormer Roddy Doyle E Christopher Eccleston Dean Edell Jonathan Edwards Paul Edwards Greg Egan Barbara Ehrenreich Paul Ehrlich Albert Ellis Bret Easton Ellis Warren Ellis Harlan Ellison William Empson Garth Ennis Brian Eno Hugh Everett F Oriana Fallaci Diane Farr David Feherty Jules Feiffer Larry Fessenden Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach Richard Feynman Harvey Fierstein Bob Fingerman Reginald Finley Brian Flemming Larry Flynt Dario Fo Dave Foley Alan Follett (the rotten ******* who posted this reply on alt.obituaries: "We thank Thee and praise Thee, O Lord, for this insight into Thy inscrutable will. "Wozzat? You mean, this isn't actually from Him? Waitabit, let me check the headers . . . whoa, sure isn't! "There seems to one missing entry under C, then." James Forman Jodie Foster John Fowles Robin Lane Fox Stephen Fry G Noel Gallagher Janeane Garofalo Bob Geldof Jack Germond Ricky Gervais Prabhir Ghosh David Gilmour Ira Glass James Gleick Jean Luc Godard Theo van Gogh Al Goldstein Nadine Gordimer Michael Goudeau Greg Graffin Richard E. Grant A. C. Grayling Stephen Greenblatt Susan Greenfield Germaine Greer David Iain Greig (moderator, talk.origins) Kathy Griffin Rachel Griffiths H Joe Haldeman Kathleen Hanna Sean "Ins" Hannity Yip Harburg Sam Harris Harry Harrison Nina Hartley Roy Hattersley James A. Haught Bill Hayden Judith Hayes Stan Hayes Robert Heinlein Nat Hentoff Katharine Hepburn Richard Herring Paul Hester Christopher Hitchens Philip Hobsbaum Douglas Hofstadter Jerry Holkins Ted Honderich General Choi Hong-Hi Sidney Hook Derek Humphry I Donald Imus Eddie Izzard J Penn Jillette Billy Joel Angelina Jolie Kirk Jones Lionel Jospin K Joachim Kahl Wendy Kaminer Alex Kapranos Jonathan Katz Dawna Kaufmann Kawaljeet Kaur Diane Keaton Ken Keeler Ludovic Kennedy Kevin Kline Skandar Keynes Eli Khamarov Margot Kidder Kim Il-Sung Florence King Neil Kinnock W. P. Kinsella Michael Kinsley Melvin Konner Frank Kozik Kramer Paul Krassner Ron Kuby Milan Kundera Paul Kurtz L Ring Lardner Jr. Hugh Laurie Mr. Lavanam Cloris Leachman Richard Leakey Alexander I. Lebed Bruce Lee Stewart Lee Tom Lehrer Mike Leigh Stanislaw Lem Vladimir Lenin Gerda Lerner Michael Lewis Tom Leykis http://images.google.com/imgres?imgu...GZrSmgP--6SEAg http://www.deepfly.org/TheNeighborho...ViewFornax.jpg Rush Limbaugh James Lipton Denis Loubet H.P. Lovecraft Arjen Lucassen M Heather Mac Donald Seth MacFarlane Michelle Malkin John Malkovich Mike Malloy 'Manda Barry Manilow Shirley Manson Mao Zedong Alan Mann Michael Martin Karl Marx Nick Mason Armistead Maupin John McCarthy Malachy McCourt Evelyn McDonnell Ian McEwan Todd McFarlane Montana McGlynn Sir Ian McKellen Alexander McQueen Butterfly McQueen Jonathan Meades Antonio Mendoza Stephen Merchant Tom Metzger China Mi Arthur Miller Dennis Miller Frank Miller Jonathan Miller Mike Mills Tim Minchin Marvin Minsky Warren Mitchell John Money Hans Moravec Henry Morgentaler Desmond Morris James Morrow John Mortimer Markos 'Kos' Moulitsas Z Frank Mullen Cillian Murphy Paul (PZ) Myers N Taslima Nasrin Ramendra Nath Ted Nelson Randy Newman Mike Nichols Jack Nicholson Kai Nielsen Oscar Niemeyer Friedrich Nietzsche Robert Nozick Gary Numan Ronald Numbers O Madalyn Murray O'Hair Bob Odenkirk William "Bill" O'Reilly http://pianoplayingdave.files.wordpr...apel-hands.jpg Patton Oswalt P Sarah Palin (Or is it Failin'?) Camille Paglia Andy Partridge Mark Pauline Leonard Peikoff Paul Pfalzner Julia Phillips Joaquin Phoenix Ferdinand Piech Steven Pinker Brad Pitt Neal Pollack Sarah Polley Katha Pollitt Paula Poundstone Austin Powers Vladimir Pozner Terry Pratchett Paul Provenza Q Robin Quivers R Daniel Radcliffe Justin Raimondo Ayn Rand James Randi Ray Romano Ron Reagan Jr. Rick Reynolds Griff Rhys-Jones Mordecai Richler Christopher Ricks Matt Ridley Brian Ritchie Brad Roberts Chris Robinson Gene Roddenberry Richard Rodgers Joe Rogan Neil Rogers Henry Rollins Andy Rooney Richard Rorty Arundhati Roy Jane Rule http://www.panweb.org/wp-content/upl...eye_of_god.jpg Donald Rumsfeld Salman Rushdie Douglas Rushkoff Bertrand Russell Karen Russell S Oliver Sacks Mona Sahlin Sebasti Sandbox Robert Sapolsky Jos Pamela Sargent Max Sawicky John Sayles Arthur Schopenhauer Tom Schulman Eugenie Scott Captain Sensible Nick Seymour Omar Sharif http://www.vc-collectibles.com/Three-Stooges-CHUCK.jpg The Stooge Brothers -- Moe. Larry and Curley Robert I. Sherman Michael Shermer Robert Silverberg Sarah Silverman Bob Simon Claude Simon Simplot, J.R. Joe Simpson Peter Singer Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Slayer J.J.C. Smart Smiler (The Godless One) (You know instantly the direction this guy is going when you see how he insulted me . . . ) Good Gawd! wrote: This is an alphabetic lineup of somewhat "famous" people who have professed they are 'atheist' or 'godless' or "lacking theistic belief." A few, however, are simply obnoxious, know-it-all assholes. ...called Ed Conrad. Robert Smith (football) George H. Smith Robert Smith Lee Smolin Steven Soderbergh Todd Solondz Annika Sorenstam George Soros Joseph Stalin Richard Stallman Victor Stenger Bruce Sterling Howard Stern J. Michael Straczynski Ken Stringfellow Julia Sweeney Matthew Sweet T James Taranto Teller Studs Terkel Louis Theroux Pat Tillman Tom Tomorrow Tool Linus Torvalds Donald Trump Solomon Tulbure Ted Turner Bill Tytla V Eddie Vedder Paul Verhoeven Gore Vidal Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Sarah Vowell W Matt Wagner Annika Walter Harry Waters Roger Waters James Watson Peter Watts Steven Weinberg Gene Weingarten Joss Whedon Earl Wild Gene Wilder Harland Williams Sean Williams Ted Williams Ian Wilmut Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine Tom Wolfe Lewis Wolpert Steve Wozniak Bruce Wright Y Irvin D. Yalom Z Frank Zappa Zarkov Nick Zedd. ED CONRAD STILL RESOLVING GREAT MYSTERIES OF LIFE http://groups.google.com/group/news....7ba62da10b842f http://groups.google.com/group/alt.a...760a04d5a9e7ef DEATH DOES NOT EXIST http://www.edconrad.com/pics/Miracle.jpg http://edconrad.com/lifeafterdeath MAN AS OLD AS COAL http://www.edconrad.com EVOLUTIONISTS IN SELF-DENIAL ABOUT DISCOVERY OF PETRIFIED BONES, ETC. (SOME HUMAN) BETWEEN COAL VEINS http://www.edconrad.com/pics/OldestHumanSkull.JPG http://www.edconrad.com/pics/FINGERSx.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/z8femur.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/FOSSILS08/HumanFemur.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/HumanBrain.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/skullb.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/Skullx.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/Skully,jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/SkullBoulderSide.jpg Petrified human skull embedded in boulder is shown while on display at an international exhibit in Switzerland. http://www.edconrad.com/pics/SwitzerlandExhibit1.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/SwitzerlandExhibit2.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/TestResults.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/newtibia.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/zedjaw.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/HumanJaw3.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/GallBladder1.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/GallBladder2.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/OldestTool.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/PetrifiedPP.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/FirstDiscovery.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/MoreFossils.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/InSlate3.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/InSlate2.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/InSlate11.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/Fetus8.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/Scorpion.jpg ================= Lin Liangtai's Web Page http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lin440315 Ed Conrad (rear) and his albino wolf named Blue. http://www.edconrad.com/pics/EdnBlue.JPG Ed Conrad's Entire Collection of Obscene Photos http://www.edconrad.com/pics/SaveTheWhale.jpg http://www.edconrad.com/pics/TightFit.jpg 100 LARGEST U.S. NEWSPAPERS USA Today (2,281,831; (No Sunday edition) The Wall Street Journal (2,070,498; None) The New York Times (1,121,623; 1,680,582) Los Angeles Times (907,997; 200,065) Washington Post (740,947; 1,000,565) New York Daily News (708,773); 835,121) New York Post (643,086; 427,039) Chicago Tribune (565,679; 953,814) Houston Chronicle (527,744; 720,711) Dallas Morning News (477,493; 655,809) San Francisco Chronicle (468,739; 510,844) Newsday - New York (459,305; 521,498) The Arizona Republic (452,016; 574,798) Chicago Sun-Times (432,230; 359,123) The Boston Globe (429,552; 672,882) The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (396,888; 610,338) The Star-Ledger - New Jersey (382,055; 591,272) Star Tribune - Minneapolis (378,316; 655,198) Detroit Free Press (370,875; 682,798) Philadelphia Inquirer (364,974; 744,242) The Plain Dealer - Cleveland (348,416; 463,482) St. Petersburg Times - Florida (337,515; 432,231) The Oregonian - Portland (332,829; 398,694) The San Diego Union-Tribune (332,273; 363,907) The Denver Post (321,405; 735,621) Rocky Mountain News - Denver - (320,345; 735,621) The Miami Herald (312,811; 429,697) The Sacramento Bee (305,394; 341,157) The Orange County Register - Calif. 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"Good Gawd!" wrote:
This is an alphabetic lineup of somewhat "famous" people who have professed they are 'atheist' or 'godless' or "lacking theistic belief." [snip 980 lines of crap] Hey stooopid - you omitted Albanian dwarf Mother Teresa. She was fond of telling East Indians dying of cancer in agony, from whom she withheld all pain meds, "Pain is Christ kissing you." She inhaled deep droughts of their screams as though they were zephyr-borne hints of the finest French perfumes. We all hope her husband gave her a thorough frenching on her way out. May Satan have her empaled upon a white hot molybdenum silicide spear, forever. -- Uncle Al http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/ (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals) http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/lajos.htm#a2 |
You realize that one of the people listed, Austin Powers, is a
fictional character, don't you? And Larry of the Three Stooges was not one of the Howard brothers, unlike Curly and Moe. I am a little upset that I have only met a mere half-dozen of the people listed in person and that many people I have know, some of which are at least as "famous" as the ones on the list, were not included. Do read what you are cut and pasting before you post. I know it is difficult but you are a making youself look even more of an idiot that usual. Mark Evans |
In message , Uncle Al
writes "Good Gawd!" wrote: This is an alphabetic lineup of somewhat "famous" people who have professed they are 'atheist' or 'godless' or "lacking theistic belief." [snip 980 lines of crap] Hey, it's not *all* crap - there are some genuinely famous people in there! -- Richard "not sure if I count" Herring |
On Sun, 9 Aug 2009 13:14:56 -0700 (PDT), Mark Evans
wrote: You realize that one of the people listed, Austin Powers, is a fictional character, don't you? And Larry of the Three Stooges was not one of the Howard brothers, unlike Curly and Moe. I am a little upset that I have only met a mere half-dozen of the people listed in person and that many people I have know, some of which are at least as "famous" as the ones on the list, were not included. Do read what you are cut and pasting before you post. I know it is difficult but you are a making youself look even more of an idiot that usual. Mark Evans Ed definitely pushes the envelope. I question whether it's even possible for him to look more like an idiot than usual. |
On Aug 10, 6:46*pm, John Baker wrote:
On Sun, 9 Aug 2009 13:14:56 -0700 (PDT), Mark Evans wrote: You realize that one of the people listed, Austin Powers, is a fictional character, don't you? And Larry of the Three Stooges was not one of the Howard brothers, unlike Curly and Moe. I am a little upset that I have only met a mere half-dozen of the people listed in person and that many people I have know, some of which are at least as "famous" as the ones on the list, were not included. Do read what you are cut and pasting before you post. *I know it is difficult but you are a making youself look even more of an idiot that usual. Mark Evans Ed definitely pushes the envelope. I question whether it's even possible for him to look more like an idiot than usual. But he tries. Mark Evans |
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FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO WON'T BE SMILING DOWN ON YOU FROM HEAVEN | Good Gawd! | Amateur Astronomy | 23 | August 10th 09 05:27 PM |
See Who WON'T Be Smiling Down on You From Heaven . . . | Good Gawd! | Astronomy Misc | 1 | August 9th 09 08:34 AM |
As if the poor, and only the poor, could bail out Wall Street. | hanson | Astronomy Misc | 34 | April 6th 09 08:04 PM |
PITY POOR GEORGE BUSH WHEN HE MEETS HIS MAKER -- 911 Conspiracy -- Why Is Lucifer Smiling?????? | Ed Conrad | Amateur Astronomy | 5 | August 29th 07 01:37 AM |
PITY POOR GEORGE BUSH WHEN HE MEETS HIS MAKER -- 911 Conspiracy -- WHY is Lucifer Smiling?? | Ed Conrad | Astronomy Misc | 1 | August 27th 07 11:45 AM |