On 30/06/2012 19:23, Bert wrote:
In lal_truckee
On 6/30/12 9:32 AM, Bert wrote:
So it's really "Internet saves another niche business."
Not really.
What a physical site offers is true browsing with tactile interface,
Which, apparently, was not of value to enough people.
Sadly what a lot of people do is go and visit the small shopkeeper, get
his skilled advice for free and play with his kit in store and then
*order* it online at a massive discount.
A lot of large high street stores these days just employ clueless
drudges anyway whose product knowledge is limited to the part number and
the lifting weight to get it off the shelf. It is sad to see the demise
of small shops but it seems inevitable as rents for physical bricks and
mortar shops increase and profitability falls.
which is now lost.
A "net presence" is one button push away from Amazon and can't
compete. So it's a temporary "save" at best.
Again, if enough people don't receive sufficient value from this outfit,
they're gone.
The trouble is that too many people exploit the goodwill of such outfits
and then go and buy the stuff online at a discount. You can hardly blame
them for cutting back a loss making part of the business.
Martin Brown