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Atlas V Vandenberg Pad

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Old December 1st 03, 03:34 PM
ed kyle
external usenet poster
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Default Atlas V Vandenberg Pad

A couple of months ago, I asserted here that Atlas V
would probably launch from a new pad at Vandenberg AFB
Space Launch Complex 3 West (SLC 3W). I have since
learned that Lockheed Martin's EELV will actually fly
from an enhanced SLC 3 East, a pad rebuilt prior to 1999
for Atlas IIAS. The third and final Vandenberg
Atlas IIAS is supposed to launch from SLC 3E this week.
After it departs, the SLC 3E service tower will be
raised to accomodate taller Atlas V vehicles and a new
launch table and flame trench will be installed. Unlike
Cape Canaveral SLC 41, SLC 3E will be traditional
"erect on pad" site. It will also be Lockheed Martin's
*only* active west coast space launch pad once the Titan
facilities are deactivated.

What of nearby SLC 3W, a site used for heritage Atlas
(E/F/H, etc) launches for many years until it was
demolished in 2000? It is to host the first SpaceX
Falcon launch in a few months.

- Ed Kyle

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