Observed path of the Sun by
Gerald Kelleher
Many descriptions of the annual path of the Sun at the Equator in context of the Solstices/Equinoxes...
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As promised by
Gerald Kelleher
The polar day/night cycle and its cause is here to stay with its own sunrise/sunset on the equinoxes and...
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Science of the Equinox by
Gerald Kelleher
A person at the Equator experiences a symmetry of daylight/darkness throughout an orbit of the Sun while their counterpart at the South pole also experiences...
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The rise of celestial sphere thinking by
Gerald Kelleher
The notion of the 'sun crossing the celestial equator' along...
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Theory explained in 3 parts by
Gerald Kelleher
Newton's idea was the Earth attracts an apple, the moon attracts the tides,the Earth attracts the moon and ultimately the Sun attracts the Earth hence the...
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Veil Nebula Closeup by
Summer is drawing to an end and Cygnus is straight overhead during the night. This may be the best time to observe the Veil nebula, which has 3 bright parts...
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2017 by
The winning images from this year's competition have now been announced, with Artem Mironov's vibrant clouds of...
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eclipse observation questions by
Long time skywatcher, first total solar eclipse...
I have read many accounts and seen many pictures, and Bailey's Beads are
emphasized. Yet that effect...
September 14th 17 10:00 PM
by Questor
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Hurricane season by
Gerald Kelleher
The sea temperature fluctuations North and South of the Equator are responsible for seasonal events such as...
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The Pi Thread by
Gerald Kelleher
The standard of discussion is so poor mathematically and geometrically that only with the greatest courtesy can it be called a discussion.
The relationship...
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Positions of Mercury and Regulus by
Gerald Kelleher
On the eclipse Mercury and Regulus were to the left of the Sun however, due to...
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Mount prices continue to rise by
Wow! I saw some mounts from Italy going for near five figures recently. Even cheapo mounts like those from iOptron and the like can top $1000.00 now.. ...
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The Sun Today by
Chris L Peterson
Shot this with my Canon 7D at UT 17:24 2017.09.06 with the new
equipment I got for the eclipse (Stellarvue 102A on an iOptron
CEM25P). So much smoke in the air...
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Defining the Equinox by
Gerald Kelleher
No offence to the 'first point of aries' guys and their notion of the Sun's motion across an imagined celestial equator,the Sun coming into view on the Equinox...
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Frozen Plasma - Foolish Dreams by
Now did you know that I'm a scientist of life
And did you know that my pathetic mind runs wild
Oh tell me did you...
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Pi is Not Unique: SETI Implications by
On Tuesday, 29 August 2017 09:08:54 UTC-4, Chris.B wrote:
On Tuesday, 29 August 2017 13:35:06 UTC+2, Paul Schlyter wrote:
On Mon, 28 Aug 2017 21:14:52...
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