Astronomy Books for a Pre-Schooler by
Brian Reynolds
I'm looking to get a bed time book for my 3-3/4 year old daughter.
She loves pointing out the Moon, and has looked at the Moon and stars
in one of my spotting...
April 25th 05 08:28 PM
by Erik
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Black Light from Shadow? by
Is there such thing as black light?
Well. When you look at the eyepice of an SCT. You can notice
the central obstruction at the center field reducing...
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14" newtonian mirror by
where can I find 14" (or so) newtonian mirror only? How much
does it cost?
I plan to build the tube and mount and just get the mirror
to save bucks and...
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Astro gear pricing by
Hello all...
How is that price fixing seems to be permissible with Astro gear? I thought
that practice wasn't legal. But, Televue eyepieces cost exactly the...
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solar proms by
Maurice Gavin
Pouring in south-east England this morning and forecast not
much better for this week but nice views of sun's proms yesterday with
pic posted...
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Oh opticians! by
How is this possible? We all know how f-ratio is determined,
take the focal length of the scope, divide by the diameter of
the objective and you have it.
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apollo 10 by
This has always struck me as odd. The module was white and look at how it
like a mirror.
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ethereal by
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Anyone ever seen this? by
Has anyone ever seen this effect before?
I took this shot about 6 months ago. Spikes of
light going up into the air. No, it's not a lens
flare or CCD...
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Oh opticians! by
On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 21:39:33 -0400, RichA wrote:
How is this possible? We all know how f-ratio is determined,
take the focal length of the...
April 25th 05 03:41 AM
by RichA
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Question about digital cameras by
There are point and shoot cameras and DSLRs.
Both can be used on a telescope.
In order to increase the f.l. of a DSLR lens, you
mount a teleconverter (negative...
April 25th 05 02:29 AM
by RichA
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April 24th 05 09:18 PM
by Szaki
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Sping Skywatch (finally) Ready for Download by
Hi Gang:
Yes, the Spring 2005 issue of my FREE newsletter, Skywatch, is late.
But I think you'll agree it was worth the wait. It's a fat 17 pages of
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NEAF talks? by
Larry Stedman
How were the talks at NEAF this year?
It'd be great to hear more reports of people's days/weekends there... a
vicarious astro-fix for those of us who couldn't...
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