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Finding Another Earth

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Old July 30th 07, 06:05 PM posted to alt.astronomy
G=EMC^2 Glazier[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,860
Default Finding Another Earth

We are finding big Jupiter size gas planets,but our present technology
can't find rock planets. I'm even hoping we can detect a Neptune
type planet that is closer to its Sun. I don't consider Neptune a gas
planet Its an ice planet. I think the most common planet to have life
has a 100% water surface. Here is another thought that just jumped in.
Are we calling these planets 'Jupiter like' when we should be more
accurate and call them what they really are "Brown Dwarfs?" Thoughts
pushing in. What came first? The Sun to shine,or the Earth to be a
molted mass?? How much bigger was the Sun a year before fusion
started.? Did this increase the Earth's orbit? By how much?

Old July 30th 07, 06:33 PM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,516
Default Finding Another Earth

On Jul 30, 9:05 am, (G=EMC^2 Glazier) wrote:
We are finding big Jupiter size gas planets,but our present technology
can't find rock planets. I'm even hoping we can detect a Neptune
type planet that is closer to its Sun. I don't consider Neptune a gas
planet Its an ice planet. I think the most common planet to have life
has a 100% water surface. Here is another thought that just jumped in.
Are we calling these planets 'Jupiter like' when we should be more
accurate and call them what they really are "Brown Dwarfs?" Thoughts
pushing in. What came first? The Sun to shine,or the Earth to be a
molted mass?? How much bigger was the Sun a year before fusion

Before fusion? Why wouldn't it be smaller?

Did this increase the Earth's orbit? By how much?

Why would it? F=GmM/r2 would go unchanged.


Old July 30th 07, 09:13 PM posted to alt.astronomy
G=EMC^2 Glazier[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,860
Default Finding Another Earth

Double-A I see the Sun bigger before fusion,as much as 200 times
bigger.. bert

Old July 31st 07, 02:43 AM posted to alt.astronomy
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Posts: 21,544
Default Finding Another Earth

Look no further; proto-Earth = Venus
- Brad Guth

Old July 31st 07, 12:06 PM posted to alt.astronomy
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Posts: 5,588
Default Finding Another Earth

"BradGuth" a écrit dans le message de news:
Look no further; proto-Earth = Venus
- Brad Guth

true... and not Mars, Much to cold to humans to survive... Why we said the
Marsman is Green... Hmmm Like the Green Knight...

Old July 31st 07, 10:20 PM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: 5,588
Default Finding Another Earth

"nightbat" a écrit dans le message de news:
nightbat wrote

Warhol wrote:
Science Officer Warhol

"BradGuth" a écrit dans le message de news:

Look no further; proto-Earth = Venus
- Brad Guth

Officer Warhol

true... and not Mars, Much to cold to humans to survive... Why we said

Marsman is Green... Hmmm Like the Green Knight...


And nightbat the White Knight bathed in the brilliant stunning
diamond light of Officer Bee that will hopefully take the Science Team
with beautiful Sil to Mars and Venus and beyond.

I've got to wear shades,
the nightbat



With all that dust they look very clean
Do they wash them every day?I bet there is a rover wash station every 3
The idiots at nasa are just fakers.

and they want me Warhol to believe this nonsense... We come from Mars and we
are gone To Venus like Brad said... proto-Earth = Venus

To Cold on Mars... and Venus is yet too Warm... So we are still stuck here
on this low fallen Planet...

Greetings Earthlings! We are here! You no longer need wonder,
extraterrestrial contact has begun. Yes, extraterrestrial communication has
begun, not through gigantic radio telescopes or the appearance of space
ships in your skies, but over the internet thanks to resonance with human
amanuenses whom we regard as friends. Intermediaries are essential due to
the fact that we are very different from you---very, very different. For one
thing, we are what you might call telepathic---though that term represents
only a crude first-order approximation to a mode of existence quite beyond
your power to conceive. Our societies are hundreds of millions of years
older than yours, and the evolutionary distance between ourselves and humans
is comparable to that between humans and worms.

Yet do not fear, we come in peace---a cliché which is trite but true.
Normally, we do not make contact with a society until it has reached the
stage of telepathy. Direct mind-to-mind and spirit-to-spirit contact alters
a species far more profoundly than the ability to use language altered your
species. Prince Mesbah said, "For me, mankind begins with barons." For us,
intelligence begins with telepathy. A species which is below that level, we
must regard rather as you regard non-human animals. You may---or indeed,
should---regard other animals as interesting---as we regard you. You may
have relationships with these animals which are profoundly subtle and
moving---such will be our relations with you. However, complete
communication you will never achieve with non-human animals---and such is
the case between ourselves and you.

We are not saying these things to frighten you, or insult you, or depress
you. But we must begin to prepare you for the shock which even a modest
intervention into your affairs will bring. Our coming will be more wonderful
than you can imagine---but, for many, less satisfying than they might have

As we have said, we do not normally contact species at your stage of
development. However, there are special circumstances in your situation
which justify slight distortions in your normal course of development.
First, these distortions will be as minimal as possible. Second, the
intervention will be entirely positive for your species as a whole and for
your entire planet. [You may feel doubt that we can be justified in making
so bald and flat an assertion. At this point all we can say is that we can.
Later, we will expand the statement so as to provide greater assurance.]
Third, you face dangers that you could not escape without our intervention,
and there are opportunities that you would inevitably miss without our help.
Fourth, you would soon have learned of our existence anyway, since your
astronomers and physicists will, in the near future, discover structures
which exist in the not-too-distant universe and which could only be the
result of intelligent design.

Naturally, we do not expect you to take these assertions at face value
without proof.

From your point of view, it is far more likely that these statements are the
work of a prankster or a lunatic than of genuine extraterrestrials or

Our problem is to provide proof that is convincing but minimally disruptive
to your societies. Obviously, it should be information which would have been
anyway discovered soon in the development of your knowledge. Also, it must
have the greatest possible impact for the good---the "biggest bang for the
buck," as it were---balanced against causing the smallest possible
perturbation in the flow of your evolutionary development. It is a delicate
and subtle problem, and we hope that our choices will provide some
confirmation that a more-than-human intelligence is at work here.

We will provide links to websites containing a new view of the prime
numbers. This will have surprising implications for the future development
of human society. Also, there will be an analysis of physical and
cosmological invariants which will by a natural progression lead to a
radically new and counter-intuitive view of time which will have a profound
and positive influence on human development.
Further, we will provide a thorough analysis of the human condition, drawing
upon a vast fund of language, art, culture, mathematics and science. We
think that you will find it unlikely that one individual human being could
have command of so many facets of knowledge, or that a group of humans could
have such a clear and unified vision of your situation in the universe.

Let us speak to those of you who have not yet slammed your minds shut. We
recommend that you maintain a state of suspended judgement about this
communication. Some of you may have a desire to have some communication with
us. We do not wish to encourage the overly credulous; so for the moment here
are some harmless general guidelines. We communicate by what you might think
of as "resonances" in space and time. Some of you may be familiar with the
term "serendipity". Serendipity encompasses a very primitive form of
telepathy. Alternately, one may say that true telepathy is a very highly
evolved form of serendipity. Humans who lived in hunting and gathering
societies often had a better understanding of this matter than you so-called
"civilized" people. It is unfortunate that in your ignorance and arrogance
you destroyed those societies before you could learn from them.

If you care to open your minds and hearts to this process, you will notice
peculiar coincidences which will bring you in contact with information and
ideas which will be quite new to you. One way to encourage this process is
to think of yourself as an extraterrestrial. That is, try to imagine to
yourself how an extraterrestrial would think and act. What would it be like
to be an entity immensely advanced intellectually, morally and spiritually?
In this way you will begin to come into resonance with us.
This process requires a fair degree of intellectual and spiritual
discipline; illogical ideas and extravagant emotions are not from us. In
general, do not speak about this process to others: at best, you will be
regarded as a "nut"; at worst, you could be locked up.

Above all, you must cultivate honesty. We understand that you live in
dishonest societies among dishonest people. We realize that a great deal of
this dishonesty is deeply unconscious. There may be very good reasons for
you not to be completely honest to those around you---though you should be
as honest as is practical. In your own mind, to yourself and to us, you must
be as honest as you are able. Telepathy and dishonesty are quite
antithetical. Only those who are quite open to each other may employ any
reliable form of telepathy. As for serendipity, any attempt to cultivate it
will destroy it. The proper attitude is a relaxed openness to it, without
striving. Just note it when it occurs, and then forget about it. It is
equivalent to finger exercises for the piano; it is not the music itself.

We will communicate further on this site---if we are permitted to. You may
want to copy this posting. If you do not see further communications here,
your may want do do a search using keywords from this posting. In that case
we will continue our contact with you on another site.

Beauty is truth, truth beauty ---- that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Old August 8th 07, 08:49 AM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: 21,544
Default Finding Another Earth

On Jul 31, 1:20 pm, "Warhol" wrote:
"nightbat" a écrit dans le message de news:

nightbat wrote

Warhol wrote:
Science Officer Warhol

"BradGuth" a écrit dans le message de news:
. com...

Look no further; proto-Earth =Venus

Officer Warhol

true... and not Mars, Much to cold to humans to survive... Why we said

Marsman is Green... Hmmm Like the Green Knight...


And nightbat the White Knight bathed in the brilliant stunning
diamond light of Officer Bee that will hopefully take the Science Team
with beautiful Sil to Mars andVenusand beyond.

I've got to wear shades,
the nightbat



With all that dust they look very clean
Do they wash them every day?I bet there is a rover wash station every 3
The idiots at nasa are just fakers.

and they want me Warhol to believe this nonsense... We come from Mars and we
are gone To Venus like Brad said... proto-Earth = Venus

To Cold on Mars... and Venus is yet too Warm... So we are still stuck here
on this low fallen Planet...

The only ones stuck here on Earth are the perpetual naysayers, the
Yiddish rusemasters and of their skewed faith-based swarm of liars.
Which are you?
- Brad Guth

Old August 8th 07, 07:44 PM posted to alt.astronomy
external usenet poster
Posts: 5,588
Default Finding Another Earth

On Aug 8, 8:49 am, BradGuth wrote:
On Jul 31, 1:20 pm, "Warhol" wrote:

"nightbat" a écrit dans le message de news:

nightbat wrote

Warhol wrote:
Science Officer Warhol

"BradGuth" a écrit dans le message de news:
. com...

Look no further; proto-Earth =Venus

Officer Warhol

true... and not Mars, Much to cold to humans to survive... Why we said

Marsman is Green... Hmmm Like the Green Knight...


And nightbat the White Knight bathed in the brilliant stunning
diamond light of Officer Bee that will hopefully take the Science Team
with beautiful Sil to Mars andVenusand beyond.

I've got to wear shades,
the nightbat



With all that dust they look very clean
Do they wash them every day?I bet there is a rover wash station every 3
The idiots at nasa are just fakers.

and they want me Warhol to believe this nonsense... We come from Mars and we
are gone To Venus like Brad said... proto-Earth = Venus

To Cold on Mars... and Venus is yet too Warm... So we are still stuck here
on this low fallen Planet...

The only ones stuck here on Earth are the perpetual naysayers, the
Yiddish rusemasters and of their skewed faith-based swarm of liars.
Which are you?
- Brad Guth- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Right... they can't flee the cometh doom thats is awaiting them...
Soon very soon they will feel the heat and cold at their stupid


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