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Old February 14th 04, 07:16 AM
Rick Sobie
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Vallee's "FASTWALKER"

"Robert Buchanan" ?????????@?????????.??? wrote in message
. ..
Rick Sobie fascinated us all by typing:

"Carl R. Osterwald" wrote in message

Worst case scenario?

2 thousand years ago, they determined how much power the ship had

how long they could maintain orbit, and wrote a book called

Reference for this book?


I think we need to go there and check it out, and see if we can

Entrance point? I don't know. Tycho crater maybe, or the far side
of the moon,
maybe, but the south pole is filled with molten titanium probably.
The American government must know about this. America was founded

Steve at S4 is a member of the Federation and said he has been
called in

manage the situation. Other than the worst case scenario above, the
is almost under control. Disclosure should follow soon.

Save your breath, Rick, responding to a Sarfatti post is like
shouting into a hurricane, he can't hear you.

Regardless. I don't expect a reply. We use the force and all that.

But if my calculations are correct, we have until 2015 to get to the
moon, and fix whatever problem exists inside with the power system, or
else we are going to get some real good close up polaroids, of some
very large craters, if you get my drift.

Forget Nibiru. Forget Mars. We have a moon that could be paying us a
vist real soon. If anyone cares that is. Some don't and some do.

And 2015 is an outside estimate. Meaning there is no time to waste.

Right, Rick. Why don't you go on ahead of the rest of us and tell us what
you find?

Well Robert, I don't know how you feel about lucid dreams or remote viewing,
or astral travel or out of body experiences, but I have been there inside
the moon,
some hundred times.

The terrain is similar to earth. It has been terraformed.

There is a mountain, a mile high or so, everything is covered with earth,
and the mountain has been there for a very long time. There are man made
caves on it even. There are some nice areas, with lilly pads and fish,
and some nice country side as well. Small groups live in the country.

The place looks mostly deserted. There are a few cities, and there are cars
on the highways. Just sitting there.

The place looks like here, because we as a people a dominant people
Christian people and all that group, came from there.

Most of what we have here, came from there by way of transfer of
knowledge and technology.

Near the government center, is a different story. That looks like the day
that the earth ended or some horrible sci-fi movie set. The people in that
are clearly paranoid and mad, as in crazy and dangerous.

The buildings however are pretty much intact. It does not look like
there was massive destruction. It looks like after the collision, things
carried on pretty much normal and rebuilding took place and people
lived there like here.

Until something happened, which affected the majority of the people there.

Maybe the inner hull burst and everything was flooded at that point.
That is what it looks like.

Near the industrial area, are wharehouses and the only tunnel entrance
underground into the maintenance areas that I know of.

The doors are closed. In an area that is largely deserted.

The tunnel entrance is not marked. It just has two doors, a roundish
coved covering and is close to the stadium or some similar structure.

The buildings are largely deserted. People move around. They do stay
in one place. They try to live like normal, but they are in a very weird
environment and the sound confuses them to the point that they get
toatlly befuddled, and some people are totally freaked and paranoid
wandering around.

That is inside and above ground.

We tried to go into the tunnels once and we did not get far.

So I don't know what the interior looks for certain, but I think I was in
engine room once.

The very core is about 40 feet in diameter with a central column, and
back lighted panels and compartments. If you found yourself just there,
you would think you were inside a classic disk.

I went in through a door from the gym looking for the washroom.

Lots of people have been there and people have met there in lucid dreams.

I am not so sure they knew where they were or why.

Probably some of them know more than me.

There is also an area where the houses are flooded with abnout 2 1/2
feet of water. I think that the water is not very deep over the entire
area that is covered in water. The people though are not all together able
to concentrate due to the noise etc and though it is not continuously
when it does, it affects people to the degree that they probably are
for a while.

The people do not have any structured government, they merely seem to go
around sometimes in groups and maybe one day they will have a big picnic,
and other days, you will see them like a small mob wandering down a city
and occaisionally they seem to be trying to live normal lives.
They do not seem to know that it is space ship, or where they are, or
what is going on at all.

That is about all I can tell you for now.

We need to investigate.

Not through remote viwing and astral travel etc, but with real space craft,
and real equipment and real people if possible. But it is probably very

However, they are humanoid just like us, and in fact the caucasion race
probably originated there.

King David of the Jews, was the star ship captain, and he is alive and well
and living on terra firma incognito and I have seen him in the flesh and
communicated with him numerous times since we ran into each other in 1993.

He is about 49 and tall and good looking, looks Canadian/American.

So what to do what to do?

Disclosure for starters I suspect.

Old February 15th 04, 12:58 PM
Rick Sobie
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Vallee's "FASTWALKER"

Worst case scenario?

2 thousand years ago, they determined how much power the ship had
how long they could maintain orbit, and wrote a book called

Reference for this book?


I think we need to go there and check it out, and see if we can
Entrance point? I don't know. Tycho crater maybe, or the far side
of the moon,
maybe, but the south pole is filled with molten titanium probably.
The American government must know about this. America was founded
Steve at S4 is a member of the Federation and said he has been
called in
manage the situation. Other than the worst case scenario above, the
is almost under control. Disclosure should follow soon.

Save your breath, Rick, responding to a Sarfatti post is like
shouting into a hurricane, he can't hear you.

Regardless. I don't expect a reply. We use the force and all that.

But if my calculations are correct, we have until 2015 to get to the
moon, and fix whatever problem exists inside with the power system, or
else we are going to get some real good close up polaroids, of some
very large craters, if you get my drift.

Forget Nibiru. Forget Mars. We have a moon that could be paying us a
vist real soon. If anyone cares that is. Some don't and some do.

And 2015 is an outside estimate. Meaning there is no time to waste.

Right, Rick. Why don't you go on ahead of the rest of us and tell us

you find?

Well Robert, I don't know how you feel about lucid dreams or remote

or astral travel or out of body experiences, but I have been there inside
the moon,
some hundred times.

The terrain is similar to earth. It has been terraformed.

There is a mountain, a mile high or so, everything is covered with earth,
and the mountain has been there for a very long time. There are man made
caves on it even. There are some nice areas, with lilly pads and fish,
and some nice country side as well. Small groups live in the country.

The place looks mostly deserted. There are a few cities, and there are

on the highways. Just sitting there.

The place looks like here, because we as a people a dominant people
Christian people and all that group, came from there.

Most of what we have here, came from there by way of transfer of
knowledge and technology.

Near the government center, is a different story. That looks like the day
that the earth ended or some horrible sci-fi movie set. The people in that
are clearly paranoid and mad, as in crazy and dangerous.

The buildings however are pretty much intact. It does not look like
there was massive destruction. It looks like after the collision, things
carried on pretty much normal and rebuilding took place and people
lived there like here.

Until something happened, which affected the majority of the people there.

Maybe the inner hull burst and everything was flooded at that point.
That is what it looks like.

Near the industrial area, are wharehouses and the only tunnel entrance
underground into the maintenance areas that I know of.

The doors are closed. In an area that is largely deserted.

The tunnel entrance is not marked. It just has two doors, a roundish
coved covering and is close to the stadium or some similar structure.

The buildings are largely deserted. People move around. They do stay
in one place. They try to live like normal, but they are in a very weird
environment and the sound confuses them to the point that they get
toatlly befuddled, and some people are totally freaked and paranoid
wandering around.

That is inside and above ground.

We tried to go into the tunnels once and we did not get far.

So I don't know what the interior looks for certain, but I think I was in
engine room once.

The very core is about 40 feet in diameter with a central column, and
back lighted panels and compartments. If you found yourself just there,
you would think you were inside a classic disk.

I went in through a door from the gym looking for the washroom.

Lots of people have been there and people have met there in lucid dreams.

I am not so sure they knew where they were or why.

Probably some of them know more than me.

There is also an area where the houses are flooded with abnout 2 1/2
feet of water. I think that the water is not very deep over the entire
area that is covered in water. The people though are not all together able
to concentrate due to the noise etc and though it is not continuously
when it does, it affects people to the degree that they probably are
for a while.

The people do not have any structured government, they merely seem to go
around sometimes in groups and maybe one day they will have a big picnic,
and other days, you will see them like a small mob wandering down a city
and occaisionally they seem to be trying to live normal lives.
They do not seem to know that it is space ship, or where they are, or
what is going on at all.

That is about all I can tell you for now.

We need to investigate.

Not through remote viwing and astral travel etc, but with real space

and real equipment and real people if possible. But it is probably very

However, they are humanoid just like us, and in fact the caucasion race
probably originated there.

King David of the Jews, was the star ship captain, and he is alive and

and living on terra firma incognito and I have seen him in the flesh and
communicated with him numerous times since we ran into each other in 1993.

He is about 49 and tall and good looking, looks Canadian/American.

So what to do what to do?

Disclosure for starters I suspect.

I am not entirely sure you want to see what I came across today while
looking over some Peruvian artifacts, but I suppose you have a right to
and since I do not like it when people - or large space organizations -
keep things from the public, I will show you...

The ICA stones of Peru!

scroll down, middle of page, and this as well, where the moon arrives as
told in
their folk legends or other.

Some of the stones were faked by locals selling them as tourist trinkets to
a buck, but some were brought to Spain in the 16th century so they are not
all fake.

Old February 16th 04, 01:20 AM
Secret Asian Man
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Vallee's "FASTWALKER"

"Jack Sarfatti" wrote in message
. com...
Excerpt from my new book
Super Cosmos
under construction at



I met Jacques Vallee in 1975 or so. He was on the periphery of the
Physics Consciousness Research Group working with Ira Einhorn and came
to several of our gatherings.

Ira Einhorn...Ira Einhorn.... names sounds familiar. Oh yeah! I remember.
Ira Einhorn is a sick asshole who enjoys murdering people.

Why are so many new age/UFO people so ****ed up, Jack? Can you posit any
theories about that?

Old February 16th 04, 02:52 AM
Carl R. Osterwald
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Vallee's "FASTWALKER"

In article , Secret Asian Man

"Jack Sarfatti" wrote in message
. com...
Excerpt from my new book
Super Cosmos
under construction at



I met Jacques Vallee in 1975 or so. He was on the periphery of the
Physics Consciousness Research Group working with Ira Einhorn and came
to several of our gatherings.

Ira Einhorn...Ira Einhorn.... names sounds familiar. Oh yeah! I remember.
Ira Einhorn is a sick asshole who enjoys murdering people.

Why are so many new age/UFO people so ****ed up, Jack? Can you posit any
theories about that?

He can relate it to the quantum foam located between his ears.


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