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Evolutionists' Belief in the IMPOSSIBLE

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Old June 23rd 04, 01:58 AM
Ed Conrad
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Evolutionists' Belief in the IMPOSSIBLE

Bet you didn't know know that the human eye has 40,000,000
nerve endings, that the focusing muscles move an estimated
100,000 times a day, and that the retina contains 137,000,000
light sensitive cells.


As George Gallup, the famous statistician, once said about
the theory of evolution:

"I could prove God statistically. Take the human body alone.
The chance that all the functions of the individual would just
happen, is a statistical monstrosity."

Or, as Albert Einstein once said:

"Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science
becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the
universe -- a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face
of which our modest powers must feel humble."

Or, as Charles Darwin himself once admitted:

``To suppose that the eye (with so many parts all working
together) . . . could have been formed by natural selection
seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

Ed Conrad

Man as Old as Coal

Least we forgit...


(Petrified coal-age bones, teeth and soft organs)

Petrified human finger (with fingernail
AND Petrified human toe (with toenail):

Petrified human skull embedded in a boulder

Another petrified human skull

Petrified human femur still embedded in slate

Petrified human gall bladder containing gall stone (via CATscan)

Portion of petrified tibia

Petrified human lung (or is it a human liver?)

Whitled wood: Tool and/or weapon (turned to coal)

One hemisphere of human brain.

Human jaw with a few teeth


Side view of human mandible


Portion of three-toed dinosaur foot still embedded in slate


Petrified giant fetus

Another giant fetus (this one still embedded in slate)

Portion of a giant petrified scorpion

Old June 23rd 04, 08:00 AM
Thore Schmechtig
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Evolutionists' Belief in the IMPOSSIBLE

Or, as Charles Darwin himself once admitted:
``To suppose that the eye (with so many parts all working
together) . . . could have been formed by natural selection
seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

Why don't you quote the full context, hmm? Could the reason be that
Darwin continues with explaining why it _is_ very well possible that
the eye DID form by natural selection, hmmmmmm?


(Found in alt.bible, authors unknown)

1. "I'm right and you are wrong".
2. Never admit that you are wrong, even if you really are.
3. When you have nothing to say, hurl insults.
4. Regard and portray your own violence, whether physical, psychological,
or verbal, at all times as defensive
4a. Specific example for 4.: Cry for "freedom of religion", but whenever followers of other faiths want the same freedom and courts agree, scream "Persecution!"
5. Be prepared at all times to lie and bluster, particularly when backed
into a corner in an argument
5a. When caught lying, always accuse the opposition of lying rather than be honest and admit the obvious
6. Never accept responsibility for any mess you have personally caused.
7. When you are forced to admit to an error, regard the whole process of
error and correction as part of God's personal plan for you and not as a
something for which you should apologise retract or make amends except
verbally and secretly to God himself
8. Always see yourself and you personal actions as part of God's plans for
the world. Recognise that even your errors are just part of Gods will for
the betterment of mankind.
9.Profess humility but avoid the actual experience of it.
10.Refuse to take in information that differs from your own view and
oppose all such information through classification of such information in
a derogatory and simplistic manner(eg by categorising it as left wing
11.Refuse to accept that truth is not black and white; that reality is
complex and there are shades of grey
12.Refuse to forgive anyone else for anything unless you purport to
forgive on behalf of other people unconnected with you for whom you don't
have that right anyhow.

Old June 23rd 04, 06:33 PM
Simeon Nevel
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Evolutionists' Belief in the IMPOSSIBLE

"Thore Schmechtig" wrote in message
Or, as Charles Darwin himself once admitted:
``To suppose that the eye (with so many parts all working
together) . . . could have been formed by natural selection
seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

Why don't you quote the full context, hmm? Could the reason be that
Darwin continues with explaining why it _is_ very well possible that
the eye DID form by natural selection, hmmmmmm?

The full quotation and a comparison of the text between the 1st and 6th
can be found at:



Old June 23rd 04, 09:03 PM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a
Default Evolutionists' Belief in the IMPOSSIBLE

Ed Conrad wrote in message . ..

Bet you didn't know know that the human eye has 40,000,000
nerve endings, that the focusing muscles move an estimated
100,000 times a day, and that the retina contains 137,000,000
light sensitive cells.

You're absolutely right. I didn't know know those facts.

So Ed (may I call you Ed?) what's your whole point here? I mean, what
is the "desired end state" of your postings? Are you looking for
proof for your hypotheses? Spreading the word of... something?
Trying to sell a book? I've seen the pictures and the "old as coal"
thing, but what are you trying to accomplish by posting here?


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