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The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

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Old December 22nd 11, 09:50 PM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta
James Redford
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

Below is an article that I recently wrote. It concerns the Omega Point
cosmology by physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler, which
is a proof of God's existence based upon the most reserved view of the
known laws of physics (i.e., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General
Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). If one has ever wondered about
such questions as what the meaning of life is, what the purpose of
one's own life is, whether there is life after death, whether God
exists, what the future holds for humanity, and why anything exists at
all as opposed to nothingness, then this article answers all of those
questions. This article further provides an examination of the
globalist political power-elite: history is given on their
organizational structure and their methods of accumulating power; and
analysis is given on where they're attempting to take the world, i.e.,
their self-termed New World Order world government and world religion.

It is my hope that people find the article to be informative, and that
it will help them understand the troubling political and economic
events in the world and why they are occurring. Below one can download
the article for free. I encourage everyone to generously share this
article with others. By all means, please save it to your hard-drive
and give others copies of it. Also, feel free to share the text of
this post. The article is in PDF format.

James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of
Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), December 22, 2011
(orig. pub. December 19, 2011), 185 pp.

Below is the abstract to my above article:

ABSTRACT: Analysis is given of the Omega Point cosmology, an
extensively peer-reviewed proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) published
in leading physics journals by professor of physics and mathematics
Frank J. Tipler, which demonstrates that in order for the known laws
of physics to be mutually consistent, the universe must diverge to
infinite computational power as it collapses into a final cosmological
singularity, termed the Omega Point. The theorem is an intrinsic
component of the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard
Model Theory of Everything (TOE) describing and unifying all the
forces in physics, of which itself is also required by the known
physical laws. With infinite computational resources, the dead can be
resurrected--never to die again--via perfect computer emulation of the
multiverse from its start at the Big Bang. Miracles are also
physically allowed via electroweak quantum tunneling controlled by the
Omega Point cosmological singularity. The Omega Point is a different
aspect of the Big Bang cosmological singularity--the first cause--and
the Omega Point has all the haecceities claimed for God in the
traditional religions.

From this analysis, conclusions are drawn regarding the social,
ethical, economic and political implications of the Omega Point

Below are other places where this article can be downloaded:

2,375,597 bytes
MD5: 24ffbb18de793699141ac9ad34f56498





Note that the above publication date, the total page count, the file
byte size, and the MD5 checksum are subject to change with newer
versions of the article, if I were to release such.

The URLs to my Theophysics websites should contain the latest version
of the article. With the WebCite URLs ( http://www.webcitation.org ),
one can look to see if there is a newer version of this article on the
drop-down menu containing the date. Also look at the postings in this
forum to see if I have published updated URLs to newer versions of
this article, assuming I am unable to update this post.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions on the article, then
feel free to post them here, or email me, or message me.


James Redford, author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science
Research Network (SSRN), revised ed., December 4, 2011 (orig. pub.
December 19, 2001) http://ssrn.com/abstract=1337761 ,
http://theophysics.chimehost.net/anarchist-jesus.pdf ,

Theophysics: God Is the Ultimate Physicist (a website with information
on Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point Theorem and the quantum gravity
Theory of Everything [TOE]) http://theophysics.chimehost.net ,
Old December 23rd 11, 04:35 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta
Don Kelly[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

"James Redford" wrote in message

Below is an article that I recently wrote. It concerns the Omega Point
cosmology by physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler, which
is a proof of God's existence based upon the most reserved view of the
known laws of physics (i.e., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General
Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). If one has ever wondered about
such questions as what the meaning of life is, what the purpose of
one's own life is, whether there is life after death, whether God
exists, what the future holds for humanity, and why anything exists at
all as opposed to nothingness, then this article answers all of those
questions. This article further provides an examination of the
globalist political power-elite: history is given on their
organizational structure and their methods of accumulating power; and
analysis is given on where they're attempting to take the world, i.e.,
their self-termed New World Order world government and world religion.

--dk response--------------
While I sympathise with what you are trying to say- there is one big point
that that is a problem.
That problem is that you cannot and never will "prove" or "disprove" the
existence of God. You take the total evidence and, if fair, consider that
the hypothesis of the existence of God has as much or more evidence in its
favour than other hypotheses.
What you are referring to is not a proof but evidence pointing to the
possibility. This evidence is stronger than that supporting many
alternatives that have been proposed as hypotheses.
Hans Kung, in "The Beginning of All Things" examines both sides of the
argument- essentially a religious man recognizing and appreciating the value
of science (Shades of St. Augustine who, in about AD 400, dealt with this. .
Is there a conflict between "science" and "religion"? Not really.

Don Kelly
cross out to reply

Old December 23rd 11, 04:54 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta,alt.christnet
Graham Cooper
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

On Dec 23, 1:35*pm, "Don Kelly" wrote:
"James Redford" *wrote in message


Below is an article that I recently wrote. It concerns the Omega Point
cosmology by physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler, which
is a proof of God's existence based upon the most reserved view of the
known laws of physics (i.e., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General
Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). If one has ever wondered about
such questions as what the meaning of life is, what the purpose of
one's own life is, whether there is life after death, whether God
exists, what the future holds for humanity, and why anything exists at
all as opposed to nothingness, then this article answers all of those
questions. This article further provides an examination of the
globalist political power-elite: history is given on their
organizational structure and their methods of accumulating power; and
analysis is given on where they're attempting to take the world, i.e.,
their self-termed New World Order world government and world religion.

--dk response--------------
While I sympathise with what you are trying to say- there is one big point
that that is a problem.
That problem is that you cannot and never will *"prove" *or "disprove" the
existence of God. You take the total evidence and, if fair, consider that
the hypothesis of the existence of God has as much or more evidence in its
favour than other hypotheses.
What you are referring to is not a proof but evidence pointing to the
possibility. This evidence is stronger than that supporting many
alternatives that have been proposed as hypotheses.
Hans Kung, in "The Beginning of All Things" examines both sides of the
argument- essentially a religious man recognizing and appreciating the value
of science (Shades of St. Augustine who, in about AD 400, dealt with this.. .
Is there a conflict between "science" and "religion"? *Not really.

Don Kelly
cross out to reply

That's why God sent his son to be spat on by 1 million usenet

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...732290 _n.jpg

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...15113 7_n.jpg

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...643838 _n.jpg

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...455778_ n.jpg

Old December 23rd 11, 05:02 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta,alt.christnet
Graham Cooper
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything


Smoking Genie's Lamp!

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...30638 1_n.jpg

Old December 23rd 11, 05:24 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta
Jens Stuckelberger
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:35:49 -0800, Don Kelly wrote:

That problem is that you cannot and never will "prove" or "disprove"
the existence of God.

Which God would that be, out of the thousands of mutually
incompatible deities worshiped by people throughout history?

Old December 23rd 11, 05:35 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta,alt.christnet
Don Kelly[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

p.s. What are the pictures, that you attached, supposed to mean?

"Graham Cooper" wrote in message

On Dec 23, 1:35 pm, "Don Kelly" wrote:
"James Redford" wrote in message


Below is an article that I recently wrote. It concerns the Omega Point
cosmology by physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler, which
is a proof of God's existence based upon the most reserved view of the
known laws of physics (i.e., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General
Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). If one has ever wondered about
such questions as what the meaning of life is, what the purpose of
one's own life is, whether there is life after death, whether God
exists, what the future holds for humanity, and why anything exists at
all as opposed to nothingness, then this article answers all of those
questions. This article further provides an examination of the
globalist political power-elite: history is given on their
organizational structure and their methods of accumulating power; and
analysis is given on where they're attempting to take the world, i.e.,
their self-termed New World Order world government and world religion.

--dk response--------------
While I sympathise with what you are trying to say- there is one big point
that that is a problem.
That problem is that you cannot and never will "prove" or "disprove" the
existence of God. You take the total evidence and, if fair, consider that
the hypothesis of the existence of God has as much or more evidence in its
favour than other hypotheses.
What you are referring to is not a proof but evidence pointing to the
possibility. This evidence is stronger than that supporting many
alternatives that have been proposed as hypotheses.
Hans Kung, in "The Beginning of All Things" examines both sides of the
argument- essentially a religious man recognizing and appreciating the
of science (Shades of St. Augustine who, in about AD 400, dealt with this.
Is there a conflict between "science" and "religion"? Not really.

Don Kelly
cross out to reply

That's why God sent his son to be spat on by 1 million usenet

----------------dk said------------------------

Only 1 million??? And how many do not spit?

Isn't atheism a form of theism- It is "faith based"
"i believe that there is no God" vs "I believe that God exists" ?
Agnosticism is more honest- It is often more honest than religion.
However, religion, as practiced, and the actual existence of God are often
quite distinct.

Arguments so far appear to be in favour of the" I believe" side but either
way "proof" is beyond us. We can come up with alternate universes, complex
time, etc (no evidence supporting these hypotheses) but, even if true,
there is the problem of how and why there is anything at all-we don't
now -so. like Pascal, place your bets.
I note that the more we learn about what is going on, both going back to the
past, or going ahead. leaves us with an increasing excitement and wonder but
also (in each step) with more questions to be answered.

Augustine in about 400 AD said that if there is a conflict between the
"science" of the bible and what is observed- go with what is observed.
Augustine, in spite of his view of women, is considered a "Saint".

Don Kelly
cross out to reply
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...732290 _n.jpg

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...15113 7_n.jpg

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...643838 _n.jpg

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...455778_ n.jpg


Old December 23rd 11, 08:42 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta,alt.christnet
Graham Cooper
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

On Dec 23, 2:35*pm, "Don Kelly" wrote:
That's why God sent his son to be spat on by 1 million usenet

----------------dk said------------------------

Only 1 million??? And how many do not spit?


No one stands up for me. I have 10 different proofs of supernatural
over 10 years.

No one talks pro-God in ANY newsgroup except the half dozen aptly
titled religious groups which are infested with kook-hunters.

Isn't atheism a form of theism- It is "faith based"
"i believe that there is no God" vs "I *believe that God exists" *?

Even James Randi is now agnostic atleast since he's seen my photo


"We wouldn't be skeptical for explaining the fact of evolution through
solely the support from Dawkins, but we could use his explanation as a
way to interpret the evidence for it."

Complete flip from the J.R.E.F. camp!

Old December 23rd 11, 03:09 PM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta
Volker Birk
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

In sci.philosophy.meta Graham Cooper wrote:
No one stands up for me.

I will light a candle and set it next to the window for you.

Merry XMas,
"If /dev/null is fast in web scale I will use it."

Old January 1st 12, 05:27 PM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta
James Redford
external usenet poster
Posts: 44
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

My article "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of
Everything" has been ameliorated on December 30, 2011. The updated
links to it are in the below:


Below is an article that I recently wrote. It concerns the Omega Point
cosmology by physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler, which
is a proof of God's existence based upon the most reserved view of the
known laws of physics (i.e., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General
Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). For anyone who has ever wondered
about such questions as what the meaning of life is, what the purpose
of their own life is, whether there is life after death, whether God
exists, what the future holds for humanity, and why anything exists at
all as opposed to nothingness, then this article answers all of those
questions using the known laws of physics.

This article further provides an examination of the globalist
political power-elite: history is given on their organizational
structure and their methods of accumulating power; and analysis is
given on where they're attempting to take the world, i.e., their
self-termed New World Order world government and world religion.

The article furnishes documentation on what the globalist oligarchy's
ultimate goal is. This ultimate goal of theirs most popularly goes by
the name of transhumanism: immortality through technology. However, I
explain in the article that the coming radical life-extension
technologies create a fundamental dilemma for the oligarchs, which is
why they must dominate world society before such technology becomes a
reality. The details of that dilemma are explained in Sec. 8.2.2: "The
Mark of the Beast" of the article.

Thus, this article explains to people what is to occur and why it is
to occur, so that they will not be in ignorance as to the events that
are to unfold.

Below one can download the article for free. I encourage everyone to
generously share this article with others. By all means, please save
it to your hard-drive and give others copies of it. Also, feel free to
share the text of this post. The article is in PDF format.

James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of
Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), December 30, 2011
(orig. pub. December 19, 2011), 185 pp.

Below is the abstract to my above article:

ABSTRACT: Analysis is given of the Omega Point cosmology, an
extensively peer-reviewed proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) published
in leading physics journals by professor of physics and mathematics
Frank J. Tipler, which demonstrates that in order for the known laws
of physics to be mutually consistent, the universe must diverge to
infinite computational power as it collapses into a final cosmological
singularity, termed the Omega Point. The theorem is an intrinsic
component of the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard
Model Theory of Everything (TOE) describing and unifying all the
forces in physics, of which itself is also required by the known
physical laws. With infinite computational resources, the dead can be
resurrected--never to die again--via perfect computer emulation of the
multiverse from its start at the Big Bang. Miracles are also
physically allowed via electroweak quantum tunneling controlled by the
Omega Point cosmological singularity. The Omega Point is a different
aspect of the Big Bang cosmological singularity--the first cause--and
the Omega Point has all the haecceities claimed for God in the
traditional religions.

From this analysis, conclusions are drawn regarding the social,
ethical, economic and political implications of the Omega Point

Below are other places where this article can be downloaded:

2,378,999 bytes
MD5: efd75944295f33510ce799662fb450c1





Note that the above publication date, the total page count, the file
byte size, and the MD5 checksum are subject to change with newer
versions of the article, if I were to release such.

The URLs to my Theophysics websites should contain the latest version
of the article. With the WebCite URLs ( http://www.webcitation.org ),
one can look to see if there is a newer version of this article on the
drop-down menu containing the date. Also look at the postings in this
forum to see if I have published updated URLs to newer versions of
this article, assuming I am unable to update this post.


James Redford, author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science
Research Network (SSRN), revised ed., December 4, 2011 (orig. pub.
December 19, 2001) http://ssrn.com/abstract=1337761 ,
http://theophysics.chimehost.net/anarchist-jesus.pdf ,

Theophysics: God Is the Ultimate Physicist (a website with information
on Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point Theorem and the quantum gravity
Theory of Everything [TOE]) http://theophysics.chimehost.net ,
Old January 1st 12, 06:42 PM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.math,sci.philosophy.meta,alt.christnet
R Downing
external usenet poster
Posts: 5
Default The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything

On 12/22/2011 11:42 PM, Graham Cooper wrote:
On Dec 23, 2:35 pm, "Don wrote:
That's why God sent his son to be spat on by 1 million usenet

----------------dk said------------------------

Only 1 million??? And how many do not spit?


No one stands up for me. I have 10 different proofs of supernatural
over 10 years.

No one talks pro-God in ANY newsgroup except the half dozen aptly
titled religious groups which are infested with kook-hunters.

Isn't atheism a form of theism- It is "faith based"
"i believe that there is no God" vs "I believe that God exists" ?

Even James Randi is now agnostic atleast since he's seen my photo


"We wouldn't be skeptical for explaining the fact of evolution through
solely the support from Dawkins, but we could use his explanation as a
way to interpret the evidence for it."

Complete flip from the J.R.E.F. camp!


Give it a rest. You will not sway or convert anyone here, nor is this
the correct forum for the discussion.

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