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For Immediate Release Lowell Observatory August 24, 2004 This is a joint announcement from the Astrophysical Institute of the Canaries (IAC), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), Lowell Observatory, and California Institute of Technology. Note to Editors: High-resolution artwork and animation of the newly discovered planet TrES-1 is posted online at http://www.lowell.edu/press_room/TrES-1_images.html Network of Small Telescopes Discovers Distant Planet Flagstaff, AZ - Fifteen years ago, the largest telescopes in the world had yet to locate a planet orbiting another star. Today telescopes no larger than those available in department stores are proving capable of spotting previously unknown worlds. A newfound planet detected by a small, 4-inch-diameter telescope demonstrates that we are at the cusp of a new age of planet discovery. Soon, new worlds may be located at an accelerating pace, bringing the detection of the first Earth-sized world one step closer. "This discovery demonstrates that even humble telescopes can make huge contributions to planet searches," says Guillermo Torres of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), a co-author on the study. This is the first extrasolar planet discovery made by a dedicated survey of many thousands of relatively bright stars in large regions of the sky. It was made using the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES), a network of small, relatively inexpensive telescopes designed to look specifically for planets orbiting bright stars. A team of scientists co-led by Edward Dunham of Lowell Observatory, Timothy Brown of NCAR, and David Charbonneau (CfA), developed the TrES network. The network's telescopes are located in Palomar Observatory (California, USA), Lowell Observatory (Arizona, USA), and the Canary Islands (Spain). "The advantage of working as a network is that we can 'stretch the night' and monitor our fields for a longer time, increasing our chance of discovering a planet," says Georgi Mandushev (Lowell Observatory), a co-author of the paper. This research study will be posted online at http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0408421 and will appear in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. "It took several Ph.D. scientists working full-time to develop the data analysis methods for this search program, but the equipment itself uses simple, off-the-shelf components," says co-author David Charbonneau (CfA/Caltech). Although the small telescopes of the TrES network made the initial discovery, follow-up observations at other facilities were required. Observations at the W. M. Keck Observatory which operates the world's two largest telescopes in Hawaii for the University of California, Caltech, and NASA, were particularly crucial in confirming the planet's existence. Planet Shadows The newfound planet is a Jupiter-sized gas giant orbiting a star located about 500 light years from the Earth in the constellation Lyra. This world circles its star every 3.03 days at a distance of only 4 million miles (6 million kilometers), much closer and faster than the planet Mercury in our solar system. Although such planets are relatively common, astronomers used an uncommon technique to discover it. This world was found by the "transit method," which looks for a dip in a star's brightness when a planet crosses directly in front of the star and casts a shadow. A Jupiter-sized planet blocks only about 1/100th of the light from a Sun-like star, but that is enough to make it detectable. "This Jupiter-sized planet was observed doing the same thing that happened in June when Venus moved across (or transited) the face of our Sun," says Mandushev. "The difference is that this planet is outside our solar system, roughly 500 light years away." To be successful, transit searches must examine many stars because we only see a transit if a planetary system is located nearly edge-on to our line of sight. A number of different transit searches currently are underway. Most examine limited areas of the sky and focus on fainter stars because they are more common, thereby increasing the chances of finding a transiting system. However the TrES network concentrates on searching brighter stars in larger swaths of the sky because planets orbiting bright stars are easier to study directly. "All that we have to work with is the light that comes from the star," says Tim Brown (NCAR), a study co-author. "It's much harder to learn anything when the stars are faint." Most known extrasolar planets were found using the "Doppler method," which detects a planet's gravitational effect on its star by looking for shifts in the star's spectrum, or rainbow of colors. However, the information that can be gleaned about a planet using the Doppler method is limited. For example, only a lower limit to the mass can be determined because the angle at which we view the system is unknown. A high-mass brown dwarf whose orbit is highly inclined to our line of sight produces the same signal as a low-mass planet that is nearly edge-on. "When astronomers find a transiting planet, we know that its orbit is essentially edge-on, so we can calculate its exact mass. From the amount of light it blocks, we learn its physical size. In one instance, we've even been able to detect and study a giant planet's atmosphere," says Charbonneau. Sorting Suspects The TrES survey examined approximately 12,000 stars in 36 square degrees of the sky (about half of the size of the bowl of the Big Dipper) in the constellation of Lyra. Roi Alonso (IAC), a graduate student of Brown's, identified 16 possible candidates for planet transits. "The TrES survey gave us our initial line-up of suspects. Then, we had to make a lot of follow-up observations to eliminate the imposters," says co-author Alessandro Sozzetti (University of Pittsburgh/CfA). After compiling the list of candidates in late April, the researchers used telescopes at CfA's Whipple Observatory in Arizona, Oak Ridge Observatory in Massachusetts, and Lowell Observatory in Arizona to obtain additional photometric (brightness) observations, as well as spectroscopic observations that eliminated eclipsing binary stars. In a matter of two month's time, the team had zeroed in on the most promising candidate. High-resolution spectroscopic observations by Torres and Sozzetti using time provided by NASA on the 10-meter-diameter Keck I telescope in Hawaii clinched the case. "Without this follow-up work the photometric surveys can't tell which of their candidates are actually planets. The proof of the pudding is a spectroscopic orbit for the parent star. That's why the Keck observations of this star were so important in proving that we had found a true planetary system," says co-author David Latham (CfA). Remarkably Normal The planet, called TrES-1, is much like Jupiter in mass and size. It is likely to be a gas giant composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, the most common elements in the Universe. But unlike Jupiter, it orbits very close to its star, giving it a temperature of around 1500 degrees F. Astronomers are particularly interested in TrES-1 because its structure agrees so well with theory, in contrast to the first discovered transiting planet, HD 209458b. The latter world contains about the same mass as TrES-1, yet is around 30% larger in size. Even its proximity to its star and the accompanying heat don't explain such a large size. "Finding TrES-1 and seeing how normal it is makes us suspect that HD 209458b is an 'oddball' planet," says Charbonneau. TrES-1 orbits its star every 72 hours, placing it among a group of similar planets known as "hot Jupiters." Such worlds likely formed much further away from their stars and then migrated inward, sweeping away any other planets in the process. The many planetary systems found to contain hot Jupiters indicate that our solar system may be unusual for its relatively quiet history. Both the close orbit of TrES-1 and its migration history make it unlikely to possess any moons or rings. Nevertheless, astronomers will continue to examine this system closely because precise photometric observations may detect moons or rings if they exist. In addition, detailed spectroscopic observations may give clues to the presence and composition of the planet's atmosphere. The paper, "TrES-1: The Transiting Planet of a Bright K0V Star," descibing these results is authored by: Roi Alonso (IAC); Timothy M. Brown (NCAR); Guillermo Torres and David W. Latham (CfA); Alessandro Sozzetti (University of Pittsburgh/CfA); Georgi Mandushev (Lowell Observatory), Juan A. Belmonte (IAC); David Charbonneau (CfA/Caltech); Hans J. Deeg (IAC); Edward W. Dunham (Lowell Observatory); Francis T. O'Donovan (Caltech); and Robert Stefanik (CfA). The W.M. Keck Observatory is operated by the California Association for Research in Astronomy, a scientific partnership of the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Funding for the research that led to this planet's discovery was provided by NASA's Origins of Solar Systems Program. Founded in 1894, Lowell Observatory pursues the study of astronomy, conducts pure research in astronomical phenomena, and maintains quality public education and outreach programs. #END# contact: Steele Wotkyns Public Relations Manager (928) 233-3232 www.lowell.edu For additional information: This research study, "TrES-1: The Transiting Planet of a Bright K0V Star," will be posted online at http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0408421 and will appear in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. High-resolution artwork and animation of the newly discovered planet TrES-1 is online at http://www.lowell.edu/press_room/TrES-1_images.html Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics press release http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/ep/pressrel.html National Center for Atmospheric Research press release http://www.ucar.edu/news/releases/ Astrophysical Institute of the Canaries press release http://www.iac.es/gabinete/noticias/noticias.htm |
It is certainly inspiring to learn that one can discover extrasolar
planets using a telescope with a roughly 4 inch aperture. I think I understand why three different telescopes at three different sites were needed to discover it, since they had to sift through so many candidates and this helped with the process of weeding out false alarms. However, now that it has been discovered and its discovery confirmed, what are the difficulties one would face in using a beginner's telescope, say one of the $200 computer controlled models from Mead, to look at the star in question and confirm the observations oneself? That seems like a more tractable project than discovering it or proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is correct. I looked at the article of Torres et al and didn't find as much detail as I hoped for about the light gathering equipment and analytical techniques. I think the basic reference for the equipment was Latham 1992. Is there some kind of standard attachment one can add to the, say, Mead mentioned above that is adequate to collect the light and send the information to one's laptop for analysis? It is nice to know it was done with a small telescope, but it would be nicer to know that all the equipment one needs to duplicate the observation and analysis could be equally humble. -- Ignorantly, Allan Adler * Disclaimer: I am a guest and *not* a member of the MIT CSAIL. My actions and * comments do not reflect in any way on MIT. Also, I am nowhere near Boston. |
Allan Adler wrote in message ...
It is certainly inspiring to learn that one can discover extrasolar planets using a telescope with a roughly 4 inch aperture. I think I understand why three different telescopes at three different sites were needed to discover it, since they had to sift through so many candidates and this helped with the process of weeding out false alarms. However, now that it has been discovered and its discovery confirmed, what are the difficulties one would face in using a beginner's telescope, say one of the $200 computer controlled models from Mead, to look at the star in question and confirm the observations oneself? That seems like a more tractable project than discovering it or proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is correct. I looked at the article of Torres et al and didn't find as much detail as I hoped for about the light gathering equipment and analytical techniques. I think the basic reference for the equipment was Latham 1992. Is there some kind of standard attachment one can add to the, say, Mead mentioned above that is adequate to collect the light and send the information to one's laptop for analysis? It is nice to know it was done with a small telescope, but it would be nicer to know that all the equipment one needs to duplicate the observation and analysis could be equally humble. Hi, Allan, I'm not much more of an expert on this subject than you are, but what the heck. Sci.astro desperately needs an increase in its signal:noise ratio. There are amateurs observing known extrasolar planetary occulations. You can find out more about them and their work at the American Association of Variable Star Observers (http://www.aavso.org). If you want to look for a *known* exoplanet, you stand a decent chance of finding it. I have a friend who is a member of this organization. He owns a Meade 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector, and a hand-made CCD camera which saw its first light a few months ago. I work with microscopes more than telescopes. Still, many of the issues surrounding getting a good quantitative image are the same. You won't see these exoplanet transits by eye. Only a few extrasolar planets have been observed by occultation so far. When these planets pass in front of their parent stars, the light loss is pretty small, peaking at around 2%. So you need to make really accurate measurements of the intensity. Twinkling and other atmospheric variations are a problem. The pixels on a CCD are not perfectly uniform, either. How sharp is your focus? Is the light of your star falling exactly on one pixel, or on several? What if the voltage that you supply to the CCD varies a bit from time to time? Then, successive images of the star would not be directly comparable. Have you saturated any pixels? Is your CCD response linear? Is your analog to digital conversion 8-bit or 12-bit? To compensate for all of these possible problems, you would probably want to image a star field that includes at least a few reference stars that you do not expect to vary. You would want to take many images, at a few different exposure times. Then you would need to do a fair amount of math to tease out the variations as a function of time. I suspect that the use of three observing sites in the TReS study improved the observations in at least three ways. First, one site would often be able to observe when another was clouded out. Second, the Canary Islands site and the Western U.S. sites were several time zones apart, allowing almost 24-hour observations. Third, there would be times of overlap, when light curves from multiple observing sites could be compared. So, can you go hunting for NEW expolanets yourself? Maybe. But having a friend on another continent or two would help. And the software to analyze the images is critical. (Proposal for an amateur exoplanet hunting network: observers in California, Chile, Canary Islands or Spain, South Africa, Japan, and Australia.) -- Rainforest laid low. "Wake up and smell the ozone," Says man with chainsaw. John J. Ladasky Jr., Ph.D. |
(John Ladasky) writes:
There are amateurs observing known extrasolar planetary occulations. You can find out more about them and their work at the American Association of Variable Star Observers (http://www.aavso.org). If you want to look for a *known* exoplanet, you stand a decent chance of finding it. Thanks for the pointer. It looks very interesting. I have a friend who is a member of this organization. He owns a Meade 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector, and a hand-made CCD camera which saw its first light a few months ago. I work with microscopes more than telescopes. Still, many of the issues surrounding getting a good quantitative image are the same. I didn't know one could make one's own CCD camera. Is that more expensive than buying one? When these planets pass in front of their parent stars, the light loss is pretty small, peaking at around 2%. So you need to make really accurate measurements of the intensity. Twinkling and other atmospheric variations are a problem. The pixels on a CCD are not perfectly uniform, either. How sharp is your focus? Is the light of your star falling exactly on one pixel, or on several? What if the voltage that you supply to the CCD varies a bit from time to time? Then, successive images of the star would not be directly comparable. Have you saturated any pixels? Is your CCD response linear? Is your analog to digital conversion 8-bit or 12-bit? Presumably one also uses suitable software to analyze the light falling on the CCD. Apart from spectral analysis of the light, it seems that the software would be designed to deal with these issues. At any rate, Torres et al used CfA Digital Speedometers (whatever they are) and compared their "observed spectra with synthetic spectra calculated by J. Morse using Kurucz models (Morse & Kurucz, private communication)" (whatever that means). I'm just referring to stuff done with the little scope. Their photometric and radial velocity data (on a big scope?) are supposed to be at: http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/resea...data/TrES1.asc They didn't say anything about pixels or CCD cameras. I just did a google search for CfA Digital Speedometers. CfA apparently stands for "Center for Astrophysics". Then I went to http://adsabs.harvard.edu and searched for digital speedometer in the abstracts. The earlilests reference so far involving the CfA is in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol.14, p.82, and I'm now downloading it. Since it is so specialized to the CfA, I gather that one can't simply order the equivalent from a catalogue. I suspect that the use of three observing sites in the TReS study improved the observations in at least three ways. First, one site would often be able to observe when another was clouded out. Second, the Canary Islands site and the Western U.S. sites were several time zones apart, allowing almost 24-hour observations. Third, there would be times of overlap, when light curves from multiple observing sites could be compared. One of the special features of this observation, according go the article, is the fact that the exosolar planet takes 3.03 days to go around the star. Apparently, the fact this is so close to an integral number of days placed severe constraints on the places where one could observe the transits. So, can you go hunting for NEW expolanets yourself? Maybe. But having a friend on another continent or two would help. And the software to analyze the images is critical. I have no budget for astronomy and don't even own a scope. I have an old pair of 10x50 binoculars and no mount for them. I rely on friends who have telescopes to do any observing, by looking through their scopes when they have them set up. However, I try to inform myself about what things cost and at what point they become feasible, just so that if I ever have any kind of budget for astronomy, I'll know what is and what is not within that budget. The CfA digital speedometers sound like they wouldn't be. So it's good to know about the viability of CCD cameras for planet hunting. -- Ignorantly, Allan Adler * Disclaimer: I am a guest and *not* a member of the MIT CSAIL. My actions and * comments do not reflect in any way on MIT. Also, I am nowhere near Boston. |
![]() "John Ladasky" wrote in message om... ... When these planets pass in front of their parent stars, the light loss is pretty small, peaking at around 2%. So you need to make really accurate measurements of the intensity. Twinkling and other atmospheric variations are a problem. The pixels on a CCD are not perfectly uniform, either. How sharp is your focus? Is the light of your star falling exactly on one pixel, or on several? For this work, wouldn't it be better to use something with a larger active area, a photodiode for example? The focus shouldn't matter as long as all the light falls on the detector. I guess twinkling is more difficult since it can draw in light from a wider effective aperture so the post- processing would need to take care of this. What if the voltage that you supply to the CCD varies a bit from time to time? Then, successive images of the star would not be directly comparable. Have you saturated any pixels? Is your CCD response linear? Is your analog to digital conversion 8-bit or 12-bit? Are the rates low enough to do photon counting from a photodiode? Counting events should be fairly resistant to bias voltage variation and the linearity and quantisation problems would be reduced unless your bandwidth was low enough to get multiple photons seen as individual events at a significant rate. ... Then you would need to do a fair amount of math to tease out the variations as a function of time. Presumably the prime part of any processing would be a Fourier transform and a major problem is the limited and irregular observing times. What am I missing? George |
Allan Adler wrote in message ...
(John Ladasky) writes: There are amateurs observing known extrasolar planetary occulations. You can find out more about them and their work at the American Association of Variable Star Observers (http://www.aavso.org). If you want to look for a *known* exoplanet, you stand a decent chance of finding it. Thanks for the pointer. It looks very interesting. I have a friend who is a member of this organization. He owns a Meade 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector, and a hand-made CCD camera which saw its first light a few months ago. I work with microscopes more than telescopes. Still, many of the issues surrounding getting a good quantitative image are the same. I didn't know one could make one's own CCD camera. Is that more expensive than buying one? Perhaps, but you won't be able to do much stellar photometry with an off-the-shelf digital camera. The OTS digicams use decent CCD chips, but there are others out there that are larger, and can gather more light, if you are willing to pay. Also, the digicam CCD chips have patterned RGB color masks in front of the pixels. What this means is that in any one color range, only 1/3 of the chip is actually receiving light. For some photometry work, you want to capture every photon. The RGB chips throw 2/3 of them away. Finally, there's the issue of thermal noise. A cold camera generates less background signal. Consumer digicams aren't actively cooled. My friend's custom rig uses a high-sensitivity CCD chip from Kodak, one that doesn't have the color masks. He added an external color filter wheel, for those rare times when he actually might want to exclude certain colors, and a Peltier cooling device. Can you buy a camera like this? It's similar in many ways to the cameras we use for microscopes. We certainly buy those. But they'll cost a lot more than your 10 X 50 binocs. When these planets pass in front of their parent stars, the light loss is pretty small, peaking at around 2%. So you need to make really accurate measurements of the intensity. Twinkling and other atmospheric variations are a problem. The pixels on a CCD are not perfectly uniform, either. How sharp is your focus? Is the light of your star falling exactly on one pixel, or on several? What if the voltage that you supply to the CCD varies a bit from time to time? Then, successive images of the star would not be directly comparable. Have you saturated any pixels? Is your CCD response linear? Is your analog to digital conversion 8-bit or 12-bit? Presumably one also uses suitable software to analyze the light falling on the CCD. Apart from spectral analysis of the light, it seems that the software would be designed to deal with these issues. At any rate, Torres et al used CfA Digital Speedometers (whatever they are) and compared their "observed spectra with synthetic spectra calculated by J. Morse using Kurucz models (Morse & Kurucz, private communication)" (whatever that means). I'm just referring to stuff done with the little scope. Their photometric and radial velocity data (on a big scope?) are supposed to be at: http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/resea...data/TrES1.asc They didn't say anything about pixels or CCD cameras. O.K., you're jumping to the second part of the TrES project -- looking at Doppler velocity changes. Once you see a periodic, small change in a star's light curve, you can't be SURE that it's due to a planet. Suppose that you have two stars of almost equal intensity eclipsing each other? Or a periodic, variable star? How can you distinguish these possibilities from a planet? This is what the radial velocity study will tell you. You can tell whether a star is moving towards you or away from you by looking at the blue-shifting and red-shifting of the star's light. A solitary, variable star is not expected to move back and forth. Two stars orbiting each other will fling each other back and forth hard -- the velocity can change by tens of km/sec over the orbital period. A planet will tug on its parent star fairly gently, resulting in velocity changes which generally won't exceed 1 km/sec. Velocity measurements are taken with spectrographs, rather than imaging cameras. That's why you aren't seeing references to CCD's and pixels in that part of the report. There is a VERY dedicated group of amateurs trying to do Doppler velocimetry: http://www.spectrashift.com/ But take a look at their work... thirty years ago, this project would have been worthy of an NSF grant! I just did a google search for CfA Digital Speedometers. CfA apparently stands for "Center for Astrophysics". Then I went to http://adsabs.harvard.edu and searched for digital speedometer in the abstracts. The earlilests reference so far involving the CfA is in the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol.14, p.82, and I'm now downloading it. Since it is so specialized to the CfA, I gather that one can't simply order the equivalent from a catalogue. I haven't followed your link, but I'm guessing that the "digital speedometer" is probably the spectrograph that they use to reference atomic absorption lines in the star's spectrum against a laboratory spectrum reference (like an arc lamp). I suspect that the use of three observing sites in the TReS study improved the observations in at least three ways. First, one site would often be able to observe when another was clouded out. Second, the Canary Islands site and the Western U.S. sites were several time zones apart, allowing almost 24-hour observations. Third, there would be times of overlap, when light curves from multiple observing sites could be compared. One of the special features of this observation, according go the article, is the fact that the exosolar planet takes 3.03 days to go around the star. Apparently, the fact this is so close to an integral number of days placed severe constraints on the places where one could observe the transits. Some other planets will eventually be found that have more accomodating periods, and thus can be seen more readily from all the sites. So, can you go hunting for NEW exoplanets yourself? Maybe. But having a friend on another continent or two would help. And the software to analyze the images is critical. I have no budget for astronomy and don't even own a scope. I have an old pair of 10x50 binoculars and no mount for them. I rely on friends who have telescopes to do any observing, by looking through their scopes when they have them set up. However, I try to inform myself about what things cost and at what point they become feasible, just so that if I ever have any kind of budget for astronomy, I'll know what is and what is not within that budget. The CfA digital speedometers sound like they wouldn't be. So it's good to know about the viability of CCD cameras for planet hunting. And now you also know that variation in the light intensity of a star isn't enough, by itself, to be sure that you have seen a planetary transit. Have fun. Astronomy is addictive! -- Rainforest laid low. "Wake up and smell the ozone," Says man with chainsaw. John J. Ladasky Jr., Ph.D. |
Hi, George,
As I mentioned in my message to Allan Adler, I work with microscopes rather than telescopes. So I apologize in advance if I get in over my head... "George Dishman" wrote in message ... "John Ladasky" wrote in message om... ... When these planets pass in front of their parent stars, the light loss is pretty small, peaking at around 2%. So you need to make really accurate measurements of the intensity. Twinkling and other atmospheric variations are a problem. The pixels on a CCD are not perfectly uniform, either. How sharp is your focus? Is the light of your star falling exactly on one pixel, or on several? For this work, wouldn't it be better to use something with a larger active area, a photodiode for example? The focus shouldn't matter as long as all the light falls on the detector. I guess twinkling is more difficult since it can draw in light from a wider effective aperture so the post- processing would need to take care of this. What if the voltage that you supply to the CCD varies a bit from time to time? Then, successive images of the star would not be directly comparable. Have you saturated any pixels? Is your CCD response linear? Is your analog to digital conversion 8-bit or 12-bit? Are the rates low enough to do photon counting from a photodiode? Counting events should be fairly resistant to bias voltage variation and the linearity and quantisation problems would be reduced unless your bandwidth was low enough to get multiple photons seen as individual events at a significant rate. It has been ages since I've thought about operating a light-collection system in single-photon mode, using either a photodiode or a photo-multiplier tube. But you're right, this sounds like a way to get around some of the problems a CCD creates. Why isn't it done this way? Good question. I don't have a definitive answer. I'll guess. My variable-star observing friend initially built a PMT housing for the back of his telescope. A major hassle in the system was that, in order to make calibrated measurements, you had to steer the scope back and forth repeatedly between two stars. You say that a photodiode isn't sensitive to position? A PMT certainly is. Lining up a star the same way twice, so that you can compare successive PMT measurements, will make you turn gray before your time. (Or would have, anyway -- I come from the age before GOTO telescopes...) Another tradeoff is in discriminating your star from its neighbors. CCD pixels are small, so you can draw a really tight perimeter around your star. A large photodiode might also gather light from dim, unwanted sources adjacent to your star. Another practical concern, at least for people who aren't doing this for a living, is that CCD's can be used for other types of astronomy when you aren't doing photometry. A photodiode will be used for just one purpose, and it requires special hardware, too (a high-voltage power supply, and a counter, if you're operating in single-photon mode as you suggested). Finally, the CCD allows you to perform photometry on many stars at once, rather than just one at a time. In the case of TReS, the specific short-period planetary transits that they wanted to find are pretty rare, occurring perhaps in only one in several thousand stars. ... Then you would need to do a fair amount of math to tease out the variations as a function of time. Presumably the prime part of any processing would be a Fourier transform and a major problem is the limited and irregular observing times. What am I missing? You've jumped to the end. You assume that you have an accurate light curve for your star, and you can look for variations over time with a Fourier transform. Before you can do that, you would need to know that you accurately gathered all the light from your star, even if that light falls on several adjacent pixels. You need to subtract your background accurately. You need to know how the pixels you used in that image compare to others on the CCD, because there's no way that you'll image your star onto the same pixels tomorrow might. (Or maybe even your next image, if you bump into your scope.) You need to correct for atmospheric conditions in successive images, which means comparing your star to nearby reference stars. If the references differ much in intensity from your test star (8 bit A/D will not even cover one magnitude of brightness, if you want to get 2% accuracy for the intensities of all of your stars), you'll need to take exposures of varying lengths. You need to know whether and how the CCD output deviates from linearity, if you want to compare values from two images with different exposure times. Whew! Was that enough? -- Rainforest laid low. "Wake up and smell the ozone," Says man with chainsaw. John J. Ladasky Jr., Ph.D. |
Thanks for answering my questions. I looked up the website of the
amateur spectroscopers and I'll read more of it later. Regarding the home made CCD camera, where would one read detailed instructions on how to do that? I like to read detailed instructions on how to do things, even if I lack the skill or resources to actually do them. -- Ignorantly, Allan Adler * Disclaimer: I am a guest and *not* a member of the MIT CSAIL. My actions and * comments do not reflect in any way on MIT. Also, I am nowhere near Boston. |
![]() "John Ladasky" wrote in message om... Hi, George, As I mentioned in my message to Allan Adler, I work with microscopes rather than telescopes. So I apologize in advance if I get in over my head... That's ok, I'm designing a control system to drive a train so I certainly know less than you. Regardless, it's definitely raising the SNR! Are the rates low enough to do photon counting from a photodiode? Counting events should be fairly resistant to bias voltage variation and the linearity and quantisation problems would be reduced unless your bandwidth was low enough to get multiple photons seen as individual events at a significant rate. It has been ages since I've thought about operating a light-collection system in single-photon mode, using either a photodiode or a photo-multiplier tube. But you're right, this sounds like a way to get around some of the problems a CCD creates. Why isn't it done this way? Good question. I don't have a definitive answer. I'll guess. My variable-star observing friend initially built a PMT housing for the back of his telescope. A major hassle in the system was that, in order to make calibrated measurements, you had to steer the scope back and forth repeatedly between two stars. You say that a photodiode isn't sensitive to position? A PMT certainly is. Lining up a star the same way twice, so that you can compare successive PMT measurements, will make you turn gray before your time. (Or would have, anyway -- I come from the age before GOTO telescopes...) I can understand that, the efficiency of the coating probably varies with many aspects. I would expect a PIN diode with 80% QE to be more uniform but that is just an expectation, I have no experience of using them. Another tradeoff is in discriminating your star from its neighbors. CCD pixels are small, so you can draw a really tight perimeter around your star. A large photodiode might also gather light from dim, unwanted sources adjacent to your star. Inaddition a large area device would have a higher junction capacitance and probably higher dark current too. OK, I have to revise my ideas and suggest the best size would be slightly larger than the size of a star at the focal plane, which I understand to be theoretically the PSF but in reality larger due to seeing conditions. Another practical concern, at least for people who aren't doing this for a living, is that CCD's can be used for other types of astronomy when you aren't doing photometry. A photodiode will be used for just one purpose, and it requires special hardware, too (a high-voltage power supply, and a counter, if you're operating in single-photon mode as you suggested). I had a browse on the web and generally 3V to 25V seems to be the range. Probably a 9V battery would be adequate and the current is negligible. There would need to be power for the analogue circuitry but probably peltier cooling would be the biggest drain. Finally, the CCD allows you to perform photometry on many stars at once, rather than just one at a time. In the case of TReS, the specific short-period planetary transits that they wanted to find are pretty rare, occurring perhaps in only one in several thousand stars. Ah, now there's the rub. Yes, that's a key point when surveying large numbers. I had in mind an examination of a single star. ... Then you would need to do a fair amount of math to tease out the variations as a function of time. Presumably the prime part of any processing would be a Fourier transform and a major problem is the limited and irregular observing times. What am I missing? You've jumped to the end. You assume that you have an accurate light curve for your star, and you can look for variations over time with a Fourier transform. Not quite, I assumed that any variations from battery voltage, variable sensitivity of the device and so on would be random in time and therefore produce a uniform noise background in the frequency domain. Obviously there would be harmonics of the Earth's rotation and beats with the orbit through non-linearity (e.g. due to the variation of the air mass) which would take careful analysis. The bit I'm not sure about is how regular periods without data (below the horizon) might create false indications. Before you can do that, you would need to know that you accurately gathered all the light from your star, even if that light falls on several adjacent pixels. You need to subtract your background accurately. You need to know how the pixels you used in that image compare to others on the CCD, because there's no way that you'll image your star onto the same pixels tomorrow might. (Or maybe even your next image, if you bump into your scope.) You need to correct for atmospheric conditions in successive images, which means comparing your star to nearby reference stars. If the references differ much in intensity from your test star (8 bit A/D will not even cover one magnitude of brightness, if you want to get 2% accuracy for the intensities of all of your stars), you'll need to take exposures of varying lengths. You need to know whether and how the CCD output deviates from linearity, if you want to compare values from two images with different exposure times. Exactly why I would consider a PIN diode approach ;-) Whew! Was that enough? Excellent, thank you. It's given me a lot more to consider in particular I now realise I don't know how to convert a bolometric magnitude into a mean photon rate so I'm off to do a bit of study. To get a significant signal from a small number of photons means using a high resistance load, but that with the device capacitance will limit the bandwidth and the dark current could even overload the amplifier. In fact there is a tradeoff between capacitance and dark current so running at lower voltages (5v bias) may be best. I am now thinking along the lines of short period integrate-and-dump strategies, perhaps in the millisecond region, but that depends on the bandwidth that could be achieved. I'll probably never do this but just thinking it through is informative. Another thought is that the lateral position sensor diodes would even allow star tracking without using a guide star though the dark currents seem higher. I still have to work out the limiting magnitude equivalent to a 5nA dark current. Thanks John. George |
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