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Soyuz TMA-2 update, 28-10-2003

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Old October 29th 03, 07:31 PM
Jacques van Oene
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Default Soyuz TMA-2 update, 28-10-2003

Korolev, Moscow region, 28-10-2003

The Primary Expedition 7 crew International Space Station - Russian
cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko (ISS-7 commander, Soyuz TMA-2 commander),
American astronaut Edward Lu (ISS-7 flight engineer, Soyuz TMA-2 flight
engineer-1) - and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut, Visiting Expedition
5 (VE-5) flight engineer, Soyuz TMA-2 flight engineer-2 Pedro Duquer of
Spain have returned to Earth in the Descent Module of the Soyuz TMA-2


on the return of the ISS Primary Expedition 7 crew
and ESA astronaut Pedro Duque to Earth

October 28, 2003. Korolev, Moscow area
The Primary Expedition 7 crew International Space Station (ISS) - Russian
cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko (ISS-7 commander, Soyuz TMA-2 commander),
American astronaut Edward Lu (ISS-7 flight engineer, Soyuz TMA-2 flight
engineer-1) - and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut, Visiting Expedition
5 (VE-5) flight engineer, Soyuz TMA-2 flight engineer-2 Pedro Duquer of
Spain have returned to Earth in the Descent Module (DM) of the Soyuz TMA-2
The spacecraft was undocked on October 28th , 2003 from the Zarya Module of
the Russian Segment of the station at 2:17 a.m Moscow time on the command of
the Mission Control Center (MCC-M) outside Moscow.
The spacecraft flight on the portion of return to Earth has been implemented
in the mode of an automatic controlled descent. As result of a calculated
brake burn issued by its Propulsion System whose activation was made at 4:47
a.m., the spacecraft was transferred to the descent trajectory on which at
5:14 a.m. its nominal separation was carried out to Descent Module, Orbital
and Instrumentation/Propulsion Compartments. At 5:17 a.m. DM entered the
Earth atmosphere and at 5:40. landed in the specified area located near the
town of Arkalyk of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The coordinates of the
calculated point a 49.55? N latitude and 66.57? E longitude. The DA
descent with a parachute and its soft landing were performed under a nominal
landing system operation program.
Evacuation of the crew and DA from the landing area was performed under a
nominal program.
At MCC-M during the operations of the final phase of the Soyuz TMA-2 manned
spacecraft flight were present: from the Russian side - Co-Chairmen of the
State Commission N.F. Moiseyev and V.A. Grin, Technical Manager of Russia's
Manned Programs, Korolev RSC Energia General Designer, Academician Yu.P.
Semenov, Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center RGNIITs Director Major-General
V.V. Tsybleyev, Rosaviakosmos representatives, key specialists of RSC
Energia, Russian enterprises and organizations involved in the ISS program
implementation; from the American side - NASA Management representatives, as
well as ESA representatives, families and relatives of the Soyuz TMA-2
The flight tasks of ISS-7 Expedition and VE-5 Expedition have been fulfilled
ESA astronaut Pedro Duque of Spain in the course of an eight-day flight
performed scientific experiments and studies within the scope of the
Cervantes program.
The Soyuz TMA-2 crew prior to its return to Earth stowed into the Descent
Module the cargoes totally weighing about 50 kg with the study results
obtained under Russian, American, European and commercial programs, tried
out the operations of complex escape and descent to Earth. The crew
performed also the necessary medical studies and physical exercises to
prepare for deorbiting.
The crew actions in the final phase of its flight (when preparing the
spacecraft for its undocking from the station and descent) are being
The Soyuz TMA-2 spacecraft having been in flight 185 days, of which 183
days - as an assured crew return vehicle of the ISS Orbital Complex, has
been replaced with the Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft that delivered to the station
the Primary Expedition 8 crew (ISS-8 crew) - Russian cosmonaut Alexander
Kaleri (Soyuz TMA-3 commander, ISS-8 flight engineer, RSC Energia
instructor-cosmonaut-tester) and American astronaut Michael Foale (Soyuz
TMA-3 flight engineer, ISS-8 commander, NASA astronaut).
The spacecraft of Soyuz TMA series being a Soyuz-type manned spacecraft
modification to operate within the scope of the ISS project have been
developed by Korolev RSC Energia team in cooperation with the associate
contractors of the Russian rocket and space industry.
The Soyuz TMA-2 flight control in the phase of its return to Earth was
exercised by the Main Operational Management Group (GOGU) residing at MCC-M
(the Flight Director is pilot-cosmonaut V.A. Soloviev) and working in
concert with the specialists of the American Mission Control Center
The ISS Orbital Complex continues its flight on the near-earth orbit with a
51.65? inclination, a maximum and minimum altitude of 401.4 and 376.9 km,
respectively, and a 92.1 min. period of rotation around Earth.
At the present time the operating Orbital Complex weighing about 181.5 t
incorporates the Zarya Functional Cargo Block, the Zvezda Service Module,
the Pirs Docking Compartment-Module, the Soyuz TMA-3 manned spacecraft, the
Progress M-48 cargo vehicle (Russian Segment), the Unity and Destiny
Modules, the Quest Airlock and a large multi-link truss structure with the
solar array panels deployed thereon (United States On-Orbit Segment).
The ISS-8 crew continuously performs on orbit the flight program operations.
The crew rotation is scheduled for the time of implementing the flight
program of the Soyuz TMA-4 spacecraft whose launch is planned for the spring

The basic data on the Soyuz TMA spacecraft and the experiment program
fulfilled during the VE-5 expedition implementation are presented on RSC
Energia Internet website, respectively:


Jacques :-)

Editor: www.spacepatches.info


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