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Magnificent Mars/Ken Croswell: Seattle, Portland, Vancouver

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Old November 11th 03, 07:41 PM
Magnificent Universe
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Default Magnificent Mars/Ken Croswell: Seattle, Portland, Vancouver

Magnificent Mars: Ken Croswell speaks in Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver.

In the biggest, most lavishly elegant book about Mars ever published, the
author and astronomer behind Magnificent Universe takes readers on a
spectacular pictorial voyage to the planet that has captured humankind's
imagination for thousands of years. Exploration of the planet Mars has
always posed the question "Are we alone?" As the most earthly planet in the
solar system, Mars has long offered the prospect of another living world
near Earth. Recent spacecraft have painted a picture of a world long ago
that may have been very similar to ours, a key reason for NASA's two
landings on Mars just after Christmas. Dr. Croswell explores both modern
and ancient Mars, and by using the four elements--Earth, Air, Fire, and
Water--unifies the two very different versions of Mars. It's informative,
impressive--and it's full of color images from the Hubble Space Telescope,
that have never appeared in any book, it's a one-of-a-kind guide to the red

November 17: Portland OR at OMSI
November 19: Seattle WA at UW
November 22: Seattle WA at Pacific Science Center
November 25: Vancouver BC at H.R. Macmillan Science Centre

For details, see http://KenCroswell.com and click "Talks." Other cities:
Boston (tentative), New York, Philadelphia, Toronto (tentative), Cleveland,
Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Dallas, Salt Lake
City, Los Angeles, San Francisco.

Correct email: MagnificentUniverse "at" yahoo "dot" com


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