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#89 Is there anything that Intelligent life can do to tag EMradiation as a unique signature of life itself? Tried maser, tried

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Old April 30th 08, 08:59 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics
[email protected]
external usenet poster
Posts: 291
Default #89 Is there anything that Intelligent life can do to tag EMradiation as a unique signature of life itself? Tried maser, tried

In my previous post I said that the subpulses of pulsars maybe the
signature of life. But no, that
does not work.

Maybe it is the range of frequencies of a given pulsar that is a
unique signature. Jupiter
emits from 15 MHz to 40 MHz, but is Earth emitting from KHz through
MHz all the way
to 300 GHz? We do not know yet. Maybe the range of frequencies is the
signature. And since a doubling of distance away from a Pulsar has the
effect of reducing
the "power density" by 1/4, is perhaps the reason we cannot see a
pattern in the
pulse spectrum of frequencies, for the pattern is attenuated in its
far distance travel through

Perhaps it is all a matter of power density that we have not contacted
alien life. Why would
more advanced intelligence want to talk to "primitive life?" So that
they leave their transmitters
for "on par intelligence" and leave the "pulsed notes for the
primitive aliens". Another possibility is
that more advanced life than humanity may have built something in
their star-system that
makes it difficult to talk to Earth, such as a Air Conditioner which
surrounds their planet
and so closes their window to Earth.

Tonight I explored as many ways of tagging EM waves by intelligent
life for which the Natural
World could not tag. I thought that perhaps there exists no astro body
that emitted maser
(or laser) radiation. Then a simple search of "maser star" revealed
they have been around
for decades. I read a website of a extragalactic maser star red giant.
To my further surprize
masers are common in our solar system where even Comets act as masers.

Then I thought that intelligent life could tagg EM waves to be unique
by polarization. Come
to find out that polarized EM waves are naturally occurring and very

So, short of picking up a signal that reveals itself as a pattern
which is produced only by life,
well, it looks as though life and the natural world are seamless and
that there is nothing
that life can do to EM waves to make it unique signature of life and
not found in the natural
lifeless world. This implies life is a continuum with the lifeless
Natural World.

So far not making any progress in solving a way of "uniquely tagging
EM" but for lack of progress
I am getting an education of radio physics which I never expected to
delve into.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies
Old April 30th 08, 09:24 AM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics
Larry Snyder
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default #89 Is there anything that Intelligent life can do to tag EM radiation as a unique signature of life itself? Tried maser, tried polarization; biophysics trilogy book series: "Darwin Evolution replaced by Superdeterminism from Quantum Mechani

wrote in message
In my previous post I said that the subpulses of pulsars maybe the
signature of life. But no, that
does not work.

Maybe it is the range of frequencies of a given pulsar that is a
unique signature. Jupiter
emits from 15 MHz to 40 MHz, but is Earth emitting from KHz through
MHz all the way
to 300 GHz? We do not know yet. Maybe the range of frequencies is the
signature. And since a doubling of distance away from a Pulsar has the
effect of reducing
the "power density" by 1/4, is perhaps the reason we cannot see a
pattern in the
pulse spectrum of frequencies, for the pattern is attenuated in its
far distance travel through

Perhaps it is all a matter of power density that we have not contacted
alien life. Why would
more advanced intelligence want to talk to "primitive life?" So that
they leave their transmitters
for "on par intelligence" and leave the "pulsed notes for the
primitive aliens". Another possibility is
that more advanced life than humanity may have built something in
their star-system that
makes it difficult to talk to Earth, such as a Air Conditioner which
surrounds their planet
and so closes their window to Earth.

Tonight I explored as many ways of tagging EM waves by intelligent
life for which the Natural
World could not tag. I thought that perhaps there exists no astro body
that emitted maser
(or laser) radiation. Then a simple search of "maser star" revealed
they have been around
for decades. I read a website of a extragalactic maser star red giant.
To my further surprize
masers are common in our solar system where even Comets act as masers.

Then I thought that intelligent life could tagg EM waves to be unique
by polarization. Come
to find out that polarized EM waves are naturally occurring and very

So, short of picking up a signal that reveals itself as a pattern
which is produced only by life,
well, it looks as though life and the natural world are seamless and
that there is nothing
that life can do to EM waves to make it unique signature of life and
not found in the natural
lifeless world. This implies life is a continuum with the lifeless
Natural World.

So far not making any progress in solving a way of "uniquely tagging
EM" but for lack of progress
I am getting an education of radio physics which I never expected to
delve into.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

Em is extremely limited. No advanced species would use it. Something more
appropriate might be:

Old April 30th 08, 03:03 PM posted to sci.astro,sci.physics.electromag,sci.physics
Tom Potter
external usenet poster
Posts: 76
Default #89 Is there anything that Intelligent life can do to tag EM radiation as a unique signature of life itself? Tried maser, tried polarization; biophysics trilogy book series: "Darwin Evolution replaced by Superdeterminism from Quantum Mechani

wrote in message
In my previous post I said that the subpulses of pulsars maybe the
signature of life. But no, that
does not work.

Maybe it is the range of frequencies of a given pulsar that is a
unique signature. Jupiter
emits from 15 MHz to 40 MHz, but is Earth emitting from KHz through
MHz all the way
to 300 GHz? We do not know yet. Maybe the range of frequencies is the
signature. And since a doubling of distance away from a Pulsar has the
effect of reducing
the "power density" by 1/4, is perhaps the reason we cannot see a
pattern in the
pulse spectrum of frequencies, for the pattern is attenuated in its
far distance travel through

Perhaps it is all a matter of power density that we have not contacted
alien life. Why would
more advanced intelligence want to talk to "primitive life?" So that
they leave their transmitters
for "on par intelligence" and leave the "pulsed notes for the
primitive aliens". Another possibility is
that more advanced life than humanity may have built something in
their star-system that
makes it difficult to talk to Earth, such as a Air Conditioner which
surrounds their planet
and so closes their window to Earth.

Tonight I explored as many ways of tagging EM waves by intelligent
life for which the Natural
World could not tag. I thought that perhaps there exists no astro body
that emitted maser
(or laser) radiation. Then a simple search of "maser star" revealed
they have been around
for decades. I read a website of a extragalactic maser star red giant.
To my further surprize
masers are common in our solar system where even Comets act as masers.

Then I thought that intelligent life could tagg EM waves to be unique
by polarization. Come
to find out that polarized EM waves are naturally occurring and very

So, short of picking up a signal that reveals itself as a pattern
which is produced only by life,
well, it looks as though life and the natural world are seamless and
that there is nothing
that life can do to EM waves to make it unique signature of life and
not found in the natural
lifeless world. This implies life is a continuum with the lifeless
Natural World.

So far not making any progress in solving a way of "uniquely tagging
EM" but for lack of progress
I am getting an education of radio physics which I never expected to
delve into.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

Intelligent beings would develop transmitters and receivers,
and come to understand modulation and digital communications,
and they would eventually utilize digital communications extensively.

As codes with good correlation properties
are essential to effective and efficient
digital communications, no doubt their
transmissions would use
Barker and Gold code sequences,
as there are only a few codes that have
good correlation properties.

The best way to detect intelligent civilizations
is to cross-correlate on these code sequences.

Advance civilizations would also use the
most effective compression systems,
and their signals could be demodulated
by decoding with the best systems.

If you want to detect intelligent life,
and find out what they are interested in,
you should:

1. Scan the skies using high gain, tracking, antennas
and low noise receivers and record the signals.

2. Run cross-correlations on all of the data
using the set of Barker and Gold code sequences.

3. When signals are found,
use advanced MP3 and MP4 type decoders
to extract the unencoded data.

I know that SETA has a program that uses
home computers to analyze the data,
but I don't know if they are looking for
Barker and Gold code sequences.

If they are not,
they are wasting time and resources.

Tom Potter


** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
Old April 30th 08, 07:02 PM posted to sci.astro,sci.bio.misc,sci.physics
[email protected]
external usenet poster
Posts: 291
Default #91 only one planet per galaxy with Intelligent life, and so nearest

Tom Potter wrote:

Intelligent beings would develop transmitters and receivers,
and come to understand modulation and digital communications,
and they would eventually utilize digital communications extensively.

As codes with good correlation properties
are essential to effective and efficient
digital communications, no doubt their
transmissions would use
Barker and Gold code sequences,
as there are only a few codes that have
good correlation properties.

The best way to detect intelligent civilizations
is to cross-correlate on these code sequences.

Advance civilizations would also use the
most effective compression systems,
and their signals could be demodulated
by decoding with the best systems.

If you want to detect intelligent life,
and find out what they are interested in,
you should:

1. Scan the skies using high gain, tracking, antennas
and low noise receivers and record the signals.

2. Run cross-correlations on all of the data
using the set of Barker and Gold code sequences.

3. When signals are found,
use advanced MP3 and MP4 type decoders
to extract the unencoded data.

I know that SETA has a program that uses
home computers to analyze the data,
but I don't know if they are looking for
Barker and Gold code sequences.

If they are not,
they are wasting time and resources.

Tom Potter

Thanks for the comments. That would be a reasonable plan if the
Universe were
according to Big Bang.

But the Universe according to Atom Totality would be very much
different since
it operates under Superdeterminism of Quantum Mechanics. Where
is tied and interrelated and controlled by a Nucleus. Where the
Nucleus has
only so much energy at a given moment in future time to maintain and
the Cosmos. So in an Atom Totality, it can afford only 10^10 planets
which have
10^30 "particles (cells) of life". And since the Atom Totality would
uniform distribution of those Intelligent Life Planets, means it would
have one
planet per galaxy with Intelligent life.

Now I do not know how accurate this Wikipedia list of nearest galaxies
to Earth is, but
I would say it is accurate enough.

--- quoting the nearest galaxies to Earth ---
distance in light-years

1 Milky Way Galaxy 0 Home galaxy of Earth
2 Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy 25,000 Satellite of Milky Way
3 Virgo Stellar Stream 30,000 [1] Discovered October 2005
4 Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy 81,000 Satellite of Milky Way
5 Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) 168,000 Satellite of Milky Way
6 Boötes Dwarf Galaxy 197,000 Satellite of Milky Way
7 Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) 200,000 Satellite of Milky Way
8 Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy 240,000 Satellite of Milky Way
9 Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy 254,000 Satellite of Milky Way
10 Draco Dwarf Galaxy 280,000 Satellite of Milky Way
11 Sextans Dwarf Galaxy 320,000 Satellite of Milky Way
12 Ursa Major Dwarf 330,000 Satellite of Milky Way
13 Carina Dwarf Galaxy 360,000 Satellite of Milky Way
14 Fornax Dwarf Galaxy 460,000 Satellite of Milky Way
15 Leo II Dwarf Galaxy 701,000 [2]
16 Leo I Dwarf Galaxy 820,000 [2]
17 Phoenix Dwarf Galaxy 1,300,000 [2]
18 Barnard's Galaxy (NGC 6822) 1,630,000 [2]
19 NGC 185 2,010,000 [3] Satellite of Andromeda
20 Andromeda II 2,130,000 [3] Satellite of Andromeda
21 NGC 147 2,200,000 [3] Satellite of Andromeda
22 Leo A 2,250,000 [2]
23 IC 1613 2,350,000 [2]
24 Andromeda I 2,430,000 [3] Satellite of Andromeda
25 Andromeda III 2,440,000 [3] Satellite of Andromeda
26 Cetus Dwarf 2,460,000 [3]
27 M32 (NGC 221) 2,480,000 [2] Satellite of Andromeda
28 Andromeda VII 2,490,000 [3]
29 Andromeda IX 2,500,000 [3]
30 LGS 3 2,510,000 [3] Satellite of Triangulum

--- end quoting ---

So we see that the nearest galaxy to Earth is 25,000 light years away.
We know that
our species some 25,000 years ago were lucky to have "flint fires in
cave dwellings"
let alone a radio antennae.

Another feature of the Atom Totality is that "life is not needed"
except to nucleosynthesize
the heavy elements beyond uranium. So that virtually all Intelligent
life planets are of roughly
the same status of progress. The planet in Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy
that has Advanced Alien
life is on par with the development of their civilization as is Earth.
Where both have
recently nucleosynthesized Elements beyond uranium all the way up to
Element 114. And
both have a SETI type program looking for extraterrestrials.

So will it do any good to train a Radio Telescope onto Canis Major
Dwarf Galaxy to hopefully
pick up their "Radio Signals"? That is alot of attentuation of the
radio signal being 25,000 light
years away.

But we have an indirect evidence of what I am saying is close to the
truth. If ET existed within
our own galaxy and since we can pick up Pulsar signals, we would have
picked up ET
signals. After thousands of pulsar signals and no ET signals,
indicates that our Galaxy has
no ET.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

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